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Assignment Briefs 10-02-2024

Produce and present a poster that demonstrates your understanding of holistic and individualised approaches to care

XGBCYP5202 Person Centered Care and Integrated Working – Component 1 (Poster presentation)

Assessment Pack contents:

Short introduction to the task

Key terms

Key resources

Template to outline structure and content of assessment

Tips for designing and presenting a poster

Rubric to understand marking criteria for this assessment

Video link to explain the assessment.

Short introduction to the task:

Produce and present a poster that demonstrates your understanding of holistic and individualised approaches to care. This is a 2000-word equivalent assessment - for example, 1000 words written on the poster and 1000-word equivalent verbal delivery (Around 10 minutes).

The poster presentation will be delivered in class to lecturer and peers and will be video and voice recorded. The poster will also be submitted for assessment on Turnitin. (Assessment deadline: 18th October 2024)

Key terms:


Person centred 











Primary care 

Secondary care 



Care plan 



Culture, Care, communication and Collaboration

Key Resources:

What the link will cover

Link to resource



  • Social prescribing
  • Patient Activation Measure
  • Personalised Care & Support Planning
  • Motivational Interviewing
  • Health Coaching

Assets Page for Regional SocialPrescriberPlus Programme 2020 - DNA Insight

Social Care Institute of Excellence Person Centred Care LOTS OF EXCELLENT RESOURCES HERE

Person-centred care - SCIE

Integrated Care

Integrated care for patients and populations: Improving outcomes by working together | The Nuffield Trust

Person-centred care made simple

Person-centred care made simple - The Health Foundation

What is person-centred care and why is it important?

what_is_person-centred_care_and_why_is_it_important.pdf (healthinnovationnetwork.com).  

From vision to action

Making patient-centred care a reality:

From vision to action: Making patient-centred care a reality (kingsfund.org.uk)


Person-Centred Approaches:

Empowering people in their lives and communities to enable an

upgrade in prevention, wellbeing, health, care and support

Person-Centred-Approaches-Framework.pdf (skillsforhealth.org.uk)

Involving people in their own care NHS Guide

NHS England » Involving people in their own care

Person-centred care

Person-centred care | Health Education England (hee.nhs.uk)

Person-centred care: what is it and how do we get there?

Person-centred care: what is it and how do we get there? (nih.gov)

Four key principles of person-centred care

Person-Centred Care: What is it & Why is it Important? (highspeedtraining.co.uk)

How do we humanise integrated care?

How do we humanise integrated care? - Point of Care Foundation

Coalition for Personalised Care GREAT RESOURCES

Coalition for Personalised Care

BMJ Person centred care Resource Centre

Person-centred care – BMJ Improvement Hub


NHS England » Personal health budgets (PHBs)

Health Coaching

Health coaching in the east of England: promoting patient centred care and behaviour change for people with long-term conditions (nationalhealthexecutive.com)

Health coaching | Health Education England (hee.nhs.uk)

Health Coaching | Better Conversation


The Year of Care House | NHS Year of Care

The House of Care: an innovative approach to person-centred care - BHF

Introducing the ‘House of Care’ (health.org.uk)


Delivering better services for people with long-term conditions Building the house of care

Delivering better services for people with long-term conditions (yearofcare.co.uk)

Strengths based approaches and person-centred care.

Strengths-based approaches for working with individuals | Iriss


NHS England report template - NHS logo

NHS England » Universal Personalised Care: Implementing the Comprehensive Model

NHS Long Term Plan » Personalised care

What the NHS Long-term Plan has to say about Person Centred Care

NHS Long Term Plan » 3. People will get more control over their own health and more personalised care when they need it


Health Coaching | Better Health | Better Conversation

Lucy Jackson- Consultant in Public Health / CO LCC Jonathan Lace – Better Conversations Lead, Leeds. - ppt download (slideplayer.com) (This PowerPoint could be made more general rather than Leeds focused)

Shared decision-making resources

Shared decision making resources - Choosing Wisely UK


Let`s talk about person-centred care | Caring with Confidence: The Code in Action | NMC - YouTube

WHO: What is people-centred care? - YouTube

Principles of Person Centred Care - BVS Training - YouTube

Person-Centred Care Guideline - YouTube

Person Centered Care Planing - YouTube

Care and Support Planning and The Care Act - YouTube

Home Care 1: Principles of Person Centred Care - BVS Training - YouTube

Personalised care for people with long term conditions: A changing GP approach - YouTube

Comprehensive Model of Personalised Care (short verison) - YouTube

NHS Comprehensive Personalised Care Model - Explainer Animation - YouTube

Making Sense of Personalisation and Personal Budgets - YouTube

Changing Young People’s Lives Through Personalised Care: Thurrock’s Story - YouTube

Shared decision making - YouTube

Shared Decision Making, a short film - YouTube

Implementing self-management support - YouTube

Supporting self-management - What`s in it for me? - YouTube

What is Person Centred Care? Part 4 - Self Management Support - YouTube

Collaborative Care and Support Planning: an introduction - YouTube

What is a person-centred approach? - YouTube

Person Centered Plan - Andrew`s story 2017 - YouTube

Additional literature on person centred care:

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (Manchester City Council) - Statistics



Sections of the poster, should include:

Section 1: Definition of person centered care with credible reference. This can be illustrated with a diagram. ALL diagrams also need reference, in the correct format and style (APA referencing). 

Section 2:  Identify individual approaches to care that support person centred care

For example, choose to define and explain 2 or 3 from the list below:

What Matters to Me Approach,

Health coaching

Shared decision making

Collaborative Care Planning

Supported Self Care Management

Social Prescribing

Better Conversations

Health coaching/Motivational Interviewing

Section 3: Explain why the biopsychosocial approach is important for person centred care delivery. Make sure you add a figure for the biopsychosocial model.

Section 4: Provide an example of a case study of an illness where person centred care could support the patient. Make sure you explain how Person Centered Care be promoted, and how does a multi-disciplinary team implement the person centered care for this case.

Section 5: Explain How the legislationensures person centered care through holistic practice:

Legislation to refer to =

NHS Long-term Plan, Comprehensive Model of Personalised Care, The Care Act (2014), The House of Care Model, Person Centred Care for Long-term conditions, Personal Health Budgets, Addressing Health Inequalities through personalised care

Section 6: List of references (Harvard Style)

Top tips for designing and presenting a poster!

  1. Posters should be visual – make use of creative image, fonts, colours (and graphs where appropriate)
  2. Make sure your poster is presented in a clear font and size, so your audience can see the information
  3. The information should be presented in a way that is easy to understand, and in a quick manner (Imagine your poster is presented on a wall in a GP surgery, you want the key information to be eye catching and easy to understand!)
  4. With that in mind, make use of bullet points and bold wording for key information! (Rather than writing in paragraphs). Use your oral presentation to expand the information presented in the poster
  5. Plan, prepare, practice, present! A good poster presentation requires a good level of planning, preparing and practicing of your presentation. This will not only help with your presentation skills, but also your confidence in speaking about this topic!
  6. Elaborate! Try not to read off the poster. The key facts, information and images should be on the poster, but use you oral presentation to extend this information. 
  7. Engage with your audience. Use a clear tone of voice, maintain a positive body language, and be sure to prepare for any questions about your presentation from your audience.
  8. Make sure you include in-text citations in your poster.

Your poster should be presented in the following style:

Define person centered care and frameworks (Annotated images)

For example: What is person centred care and why does Person Centred Care Matter?


You should introduce (and verbally elaborate on) key aspects and frameworks of PCC, for example, The four Principles of person centred Care, The House of Care framework and the 4 C’s of person centered care – Culture, Care, Communication and Collaboration.




Practical Examples of individual approaches (use of visuals would work well here!)

Identify individual approaches to care that support person centred care

For example, choose to define and explain 2 or 3. Possible challenges:

What Matters to Me Approach,

Health coaching

Shared decision making

Collaborative Care Planning

Supported Self Care Management

Social Prescribing

Better Conversations

Health coaching/Motivational Interviewing

Visual and annotated description of the biopsychosocial model of health & social care

Explain why the biopsychosocial approach is important for person centred care delivery


How the legislation ensures person centered care through holistic practice:

Legislation to refer to =

NHS Long-term Plan, Comprehensive Model of Personalised Care, The Care Act (2014), The House of Care Model, Person Centred Care for Long-term conditions, Personal Health Budgets, Addressing Health Inequalities through personalised care

Full references using APA Style

Example case study of an illness:

How can person centered care be promoted?

How does a multidisplinary team implement the person centered care for this case?


Below is and example of how to start building the poster up to organise visual and written information!



Rubric used to mark:

62, 65, 68

Knowledge and Understanding of coordinating person centered care and individualised approaches to care

Secure knowledge of person centered care

Reasonable application of person centered care and coordinating holistic approaches using examples PERSONALIZE EXAMPLE


Rationale that details the benefits of person centered care and individualised approaches to care

Well-focussed arguments about the benefits of person centered care and individualised approaches to care PERSONALIZE EXAMPLE


Structured review of the legislation that cites coordinating a holistic approach to person centered care

Makes clear connections between legislation and coordinating a holistic approach to person centered care PERSONALIZE EXAMPLE


Analysis and conclusion that identifies the benefits and challenges of person centered care and individualised approaches to care

Some conclusions made to draw some reasonable comparisons between intervention findings PERSONALIZE EXAMPLE


Sources and Referencing

Draws on evidence from relevant sources

Consistent and accurate presentation


52, 55, 58

Knowledge and Understanding of coordinating person centered care and individualised approaches to care

Sound knowledge of person centered care

Relevant knowledge of person centered care and coordinating holistic approaches using examples PERSONALIZE EXAMPLE


Rationale that details the benefits of person centered care and individualised approaches to care

Addresses the argument about the benefits of person centered care and individualised approaches to care PERSONALIZE EXAMPLE


Structured review of the legislation that cites coordinating a holistic approach to person centered care

Makes some connections made between legislation and coordinating a holistic approach to person centered care PERSONALIZE EXAMPLE


Analysis and conclusion that identifies the benefits and challenges of person centered care and individualised approaches to care

Some conclusions made to draw some reasonable comparisons between intervention findings PERSONALIZE EXAMPLE RECOMMENDATION: personalise

Sources and Referencing

Simple use of evidence from recommended sources

Largely consistent presentation


42, 45, 48

Knowledge and Understanding of coordinating person centered care and individualised approaches to care

Limited/basic knowledge of person centered care

Some awareness of person centered care and coordinating holistic approaches using examples PERSONALIZE EXAMPLE


Rationale that details the benefits of person centered care and individualised approaches to care

Some/weak argument about the benefits of person centered care and individualised approaches to care PERSONALIZE EXAMPLE


Structured review of the legislation that cites coordinating a holistic approach to person centered care

Basic, descriptive connections made between legislation and coordinating a holistic approach to person centered care PERSONALIZE EXAMPLE


Analysis and conclusion that identifies the benefits and challenges of person centered care and individualised approaches to care

Adequate/awkward attempt made to make comparisons between intervention findings PERSONALIZE EXAMPLE RECOMMENDATION: personalise

Sources and Referencing

Limited evidence of relevant sources

Adequate presentation



Knowledge and Understanding of coordinating person centered care and individualised approaches to care

Faulty/no understanding of person centered care

Limited/irrelevant awareness of person centered care and coordinating holistic approaches using examples PERSONALIZE EXAMPLE


Rationale that details the benefits of person centered care and individualised approaches to care

Faulty/no argument about the benefits of person centered care and individualised approaches to care PERSONALIZE EXAMPLE


Structured review of the legislation that cites coordinating a holistic approach to person centered care

Faulty/no connections made between legislation and coordinating a holistic approach to person centered care PERSONALIZE EXAMPLE


Analysis and conclusion that identifies the benefits and challenges of person centered care and individualised approaches to care

Insufficient/no attempt made to make comparisons between intervention findings PERSONALIZE EXAMPLE RECOMMENDATION: personalise

Sources and Referencing

Lack of/no evidence of relevant sources

Inadequate presentation


Video link that explains the task:

Please click on the TV icon or scan the QR code with your device




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