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Assignment Briefs
Critically evaluate the complexities of a substantial business project
MOD00937 Principles of International Project Management
Course Work - Analytical Report (Anglia Foods and Beverages Limited)
Assessment code:
Academic Year:
Module Title:
Principles of International Project Management
Module Code:
Module Leader:
Martin Stevens
Word Limit:
3,000 words
This excludes bibliography and other items listed in rule 6.75 of the Academic Regulations: http://web.anglia.ac.uk/anet/academic/public/acad emic_regs.pdf
Assessed Learning Outcomes:
Knowledge and Understanding:
1. Critically evaluate the complexities of a substantial business project
Intellectual, practical, effective and transferable skills
3. Apply selected tools and techniques including computer-based models to track project progress and expenditure against plans and budgets to improve the performance of project management on complex and/or problematic business projects
Submission Deadline:
Please refer to the deadline on the VLE
This assessment must be completed individually.
You must use the Harvard referencing system.
Your work must indicate the number of words you have used. Written assessments must not exceed the specified maximum number of words. When a written assessment is marked, the excessive use of words beyond the word limit is reflected in the academic judgement of the mpiece of work which results in a lower mark being awarded for the piece of work (regulation 6.74).
Assessment submissions are to be made anonymously. Do not write your name anywhere on your work.
Write your student ID number at the top of every page.
Where the assessment comprises more than one task, all tasks must be submitted in a single document.
You must number all pages.
In order to achieve full marks, you must submit your work before the deadline. Work that is submitted late – if your work is submitted on the same day as the deadline by midnight, your mark will receive a 10% penalty. If you submit your work up to TWO working days after the published submission deadline – it will be accepted and marked. However, the element of the module’s assessment to which the work contributes will be capped with a maximum mark of 50%.
Work cannot be submitted if the period of 2 working days after the deadline has passed (unless there is an approved extension). Failure to submit within the relevant period will mean that you have failed the assessment.
Requests for short-term extensions will only be considered in the case of illness or other cause considered valid by the Director of Studies Team. Please contact DoS@london.aru.ac.uk. A request must normally be received and agreed by the Director of Studies Team in writing at least 24 hours prior to the deadline. See rules 6.64-6.73: http://web.anglia.ac.uk/anet/academic/public/academic_regs.pdf
Mitigation: The deadline for submission of mitigation in relation to this assessment is no later than five working days after the submission date of this work. Please contact the Director of Studies Team DoS@lonon.aru.ac.uk. See rules 6.112 – 6.141: http://web.anglia.ac.uk/anet/academic/public/academic_regs.pdf
This coursework assessment takes the form of an integrated project report involving the preparation of technical and/or analytical responses to issues raised during a major business project for Anglia Foods and Beverages Limited .
The project scenario is wholly fictitious. It provides both an overview of the project together with the data and issues that the student is required to review, analyse and draw conclusions from to enable them to draft a professional report with appropriate recommendations to each issue or task.
Students should carefully consider all of the data available to them and, where they feel it necessary or appropriate, undertake additional research to complete the assignment and/or make assumptions about the circumstances or data they present. Any assumptions made should be clearly stated together with clear reasoning for making each assumption.
Students are required to attempt all the tasks contained within the scenario. The mark for each task is as indicated. Maximum mark: 100
Your submission should take the form of a high-quality consultancy report document. It is suggested that the report should follow the following broad structure, typical of a consultancy report:
Cover page
Executive summary
Table of contents
Main body – composed of separate sections on a task-by-task basis with conclusions and/or recommendations for each task as appropriate.
Conclusion and recommendations (if applicable)
References (if applicable)
Appendices (if applicable)
The report may include diagrams, charts, images, tables etc. These are not included in the word count. Academic or other sources must be cited.
You should read the scenario very carefully. Most of the information required to complete the tasks is provided. However, this is a masters level piece of work and students are expected to undertake their own reading around the topics and to use their own skill and judgement in both the way in which they respond to each scenario element, any assumptions that they may need to make to complete each task and the conclusions and recommendations that they make in their report.
Students may find that some data in the scenario is not relevant to the successful completion of the various tasks and, therefore, will need to critically consider the relevance of the data presented.
The maximum word count for the piece of work is likely to be “challenging” and, therefore, students will need to be very concise in completing the written element of the report. Consideration should be given to using diagrams, charts and tabulated data wherever appropriate to minimise the extent of text used.
For further clarity the following elements will not be included in the word count:
Those exclusions listed in the academic regulations:
In-text references or citations
Footnotes or endnotes
Lists of references
Items that students may choose to include, if appropriate or necessary for completion of this piece of work:
Document control information
Distribution lists
Contents lists
Milestone lists
Check lists
Sign-off or approval records
If you are unclear about any aspect of the work, you should seek clarification as any competent management professional would do.
The student is expected to produce a high-quality written report with suitable annotated images, diagrams, charts and tables to illustrate the data analysed and the conclusions drawn.
Not only should the report be to a standard expected of a professional consultancy, but it should also take the reader step-by-step through the data presented, any calculations and analysis undertaken by the student in preparing the response to each task and present clear conclusions and recommendations.
The general assessment criteria for the entire assessment are as follows:
Knowledge and understanding of various theories, tools and techniques within the field of programme and project management.
The ability to select and apply tools and techniques in the context of a specific scenario.
The ability to present a coherent and practical solution in a clear and informative manner, close to the standard expected from a professional management consultant.
The report will be marked and graded with reference to Table 1, with the split of marks noted below.
Assessment Task One
Governance and Project Planning
a. An appropriate governance structure is crucial for any project.
Propose a governance structure for your consultancy’s delivery of this assignment clearly showing both the internal lines of reporting within your company and the line(s) of reporting into the client organisation.
You should assume that the project is co-sponsored by the Production Director and the Finance Director.
b. Using the data in the scenario, prepare a breakdown structure for all the work elements that will need to be accomplished to complete phases A and B of your consultancy assignment.
Level 1 is ‘The Anglia Foods and Beverage Limited Project’.
Level 2 comprises the six phases identified in the client’s Outline Delivery Plan.
You are required to produce a breakdown structure for the project to at least level 4 for phases A and B. 30 Marks
Assessment Task Two
Project Plan and Budget
a. Using the data in the scenario, prepare an outline project plan. The plan should extend from the project start (6 January 2025) until the anticipated date of the Anglia Board’s “Go” or “No Go” decision on 12 December 2025.
b. Clearly identify any assumptions you have found it necessary to make in preparing the plan, explain why the assumptions were necessary and any further information required to confirm / justify these assumptions.
c. Prepare a project budget for the work to be accomplished during 2025 as detailed in the scenario.
d. Provide a clear recommendation to the client with respect to an appropriate contingency provision and include it within the budget figures. 30 Marks
Assessment Task Three
Stakeholder Analysis and Communication
a. All projects have a number of ‘Interested Parties’ (stakeholders) involved in their delivery. Some will be very influential, some less so. Project success is dependent upon the effective management of these contributors. The client has asked for your assistance and asks you to:
Identify the key interested parties (stakeholders) that will have an interest in the project.
b. Carry out an analysis of their influence, needs and wants using an appropriate model (e.g. Mendelow or MoSCoW).
c. Use the results of the analysis to prepare an outline communication plan for each of the stakeholders you have identified. 30 marks
Assessment Task Four:
Presentation (content, style, professionalism, creativity, and cohesion).
Total: 100 marks.
The submitted work will be marked and graded in line with Table 1.
Required reading for the assessment includes the core reading texts for the module plus a minimum of ten researched academic sources.
The work will be assessed in an integrative manner as indicated in the marking rubric that is consistent with Anglia Ruskin University generic assessment criteria and marking standards
Criteria / Grade
Task One
Demonstrate an understanding of corporate and project governance and the inter-relationship between the two including lines of reporting.
Be able to Determine the work elements required to complete the project scenario and prepare a work breakdown structure of the tasks involved.
Demonstrate an understanding of the hierarchical nature of task numbering within the breakdown structure.
The task was not followed, and there was little to no evidence of the assessment criteria having been met.
For example, the student did not submit the correct content or practically demonstrate an understanding of the topic.
There is little to no use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario.
There is little to no knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline.
The task was followed only to an inadequate degree and there was inadequate evidence of the assessment criteria having been met.
For example, the student demonstrated only inadequate or inappropriate knowledge of the topic.
There is Inadequate use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.
There is inadequate evidence of knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline.
The task was followed to a limited degree.
For example, the student demonstrated only limited understanding of or research into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.
There is limited use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.
There is limited knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work is descriptive, but may be able to list a number of relevant concepts.
The task was followed to a sound degree.
For example, the student demonstrated sound understanding of or research into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.
There is sound use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.
There is sound knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work is somewhat descriptive, but able to evidence understanding of a number of relevant concepts.
Good knowledge of the tools / techniques required to undertake the task, with good secondary research, into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.
There is good use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.
There is good knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work applies analysis and evaluation of scenario data (or data derived therefrom) and presents clear and appropriate conclusions.
Excellent knowledge of the tools / techniques required to undertake the task, with excellent secondary research, into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.
There is an excellent use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.
There is excellent knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work applies comprehensive analysis and evaluation of scenario data and presents clear and appropriate conclusions.
Outstanding knowledge of the tools / techniques required to undertake the task with evident originality and autonomy of research skills.
There is an outstanding use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.
The work exceeds the taught material in many areas, demonstrating intellectual originality. Work is able to analyse and evaluate the scenario data , and creatively synthesise predictive hypotheses.
Exceptional knowledge base of their discipline with extraordinary originality and autonomy.
There is exceptional use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and develop detailed solutions and recommend course(s) of action
The work significantly exceeds the taught material, demonstrating intellectual originality. Work is able to analyse and evaluate the scenario data , and creatively synthesise predictive hypotheses, recognising anomalies.
30 Marks
Criteria / Grade
Task Two
Demonstrate an understanding of how to prepare a project plan from provided and calculated data, recognising and identifying assumptions that may need to be made in compiling the plan.
Be able to prepare and present a budget, explaining how the data is compiled.
Understand the nature of contingency and the different ways in which it can be provided within a budget, explaining clearly why a particular way is recommended for the scenario.
The task was not followed, and there was little to no evidence of the assessment criteria having been met.
For example, the student did not submit the correct content or practically demonstrate an understanding of the topic.
There is little to no use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario.
There is little to no knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline.
The task was followed only to an inadequate degree and there was inadequate evidence of the assessment criteria having been met.
For example, the student demonstrated only inadequate or inappropriate knowledge of the topic.
There is Inadequate use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.
There is inadequate evidence of knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline.
The task was followed to a limited degree.
For example, the student demonstrated only limited understanding of or research into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.
There is limited use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.
There is limited knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work is descriptive, but may be able to list a number of relevant concepts.
The task was followed to a sound degree.
For example, the student demonstrated sound understanding of or research into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.
There is sound use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.
There is sound knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work is somewhat descriptive, but able to evidence understanding of a number of relevant concepts.
Good knowledge of the tools / techniques required to undertake the task, with good secondary research, into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.
There is good use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.
There is good knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work applies analysis and evaluation of scenario data (or data derived therefrom) and presents clear and appropriate conclusions.
Excellent knowledge of the tools / techniques required to undertake the task, with excellent secondary research, into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.
There is an excellent use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.
There is excellent knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work applies comprehensive analysis and evaluation of scenario data and presents clear and appropriate conclusions.
Outstanding knowledge of the tools / techniques required to undertake the task with evident originality and autonomy of research skills.
There is an outstanding use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.
The work exceeds the taught material in many areas, demonstrating intellectual originality. Work is able to analyse and evaluate the scenario data , and creatively synthesise predictive hypotheses.
Exceptional knowledge base of their discipline with extraordinary originality and autonomy.
There is exceptional use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and develop detailed solutions and recommend course(s) of action
The work significantly exceeds the taught material, demonstrating intellectual originality. Work is able to analyse and evaluate the scenario data , and creatively synthesise predictive hypotheses, recognising anomalies.
30 Marks
Criteria / Grade
Task Three
Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of ‘stakeholder’ (or “interested party”) and be able to identify a number of those that may be involved in the scenario and analyse their influence using an appropriate tool or methodology.
Be able to prepare a communication plan derived from the data in the stakeholder analysis.
The task was not followed, and there was little to no evidence of the assessment criteria having been met.
For example, the student did not submit the correct content or practically demonstrate an understanding of the topic.
There is little to no use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario.
There is little to no knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline.
The task was followed only to an inadequate degree and there was inadequate evidence of the assessment criteria having been met.
For example, the student demonstrated only inadequate or inappropriate knowledge of the topic.
There is Inadequate use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.
There is inadequate evidence of knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline.
The task was followed to a limited degree.
For example, the student demonstrated only limited understanding of or research into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.
There is limited use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.
There is limited knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work is descriptive, but may be able to list a number of relevant concepts.
The task was followed to a sound degree.
For example, the student demonstrated sound understanding of or research into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.
There is sound use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.
There is sound knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work is somewhat descriptive, but able to evidence understanding of a number of relevant concepts.
Good knowledge of the tools / techniques required to undertake the task, with good secondary research, into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.
There is good use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.
There is good knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work applies analysis and evaluation of scenario data (or data derived therefrom) and presents clear and appropriate conclusions.
Excellent knowledge of the tools / techniques required to undertake the task, with excellent secondary research, into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.
There is an excellent use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.
There is excellent knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work applies comprehensive analysis and evaluation of scenario data and presents clear and appropriate conclusions.
Outstanding knowledge of the tools / techniques required to undertake the task with evident originality and autonomy of research skills.
There is an outstanding use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.
The work exceeds the taught material in many areas, demonstrating intellectual originality. Work is able to analyse and evaluate the scenario data , and creatively synthesise predictive hypotheses.
Exceptional knowledge base of their discipline with extraordinary originality and autonomy.
There is exceptional use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and develop detailed solutions and recommend course(s) of action
The work significantly exceeds the taught material, demonstrating intellectual originality. Work is able to analyse and evaluate the scenario data , and creatively synthesise predictive hypotheses, recognising anomalies.
30 Marks
Criteria / Grade
Task Four
Demonstrate an understanding of the Difference between an “academic paper” and a “professional report”.
Present the response to the assessment in the form of a Professional Report as might be expected from a competent project consultant.
The task was not followed, and there was little to no evidence of the assessment criteria having been met.
For example, the student did not submit the correct content or practically demonstrate an understanding of the topic.
There is little to no use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario.
There is little to no knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline.
The task was followed only to an inadequate degree and there was inadequate evidence of the assessment criteria having been met.
For example, the student demonstrated only inadequate or inappropriate knowledge of the topic.
There is Inadequate use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.
There is inadequate evidence of knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline.
The task was followed to a limited degree.
For example, the student demonstrated only limited understanding of or research into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.
There is limited use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.
There is limited knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work is descriptive, but may be able to list a number of relevant concepts.
The task was followed to a sound degree.
For example, the student demonstrated sound understanding of or research into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.
There is sound use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.
There is sound knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work is somewhat descriptive, but able to evidence understanding of a number of relevant concepts.
Good knowledge of the tools / techniques required to undertake the task, with good secondary research, into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.
There is good use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.
There is good knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work applies analysis and evaluation of scenario data (or data derived therefrom) and presents clear and appropriate conclusions.
Excellent knowledge of the tools / techniques required to undertake the task, with excellent secondary research, into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.
There is an excellent use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.
There is excellent knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work applies comprehensive analysis and evaluation of scenario data and presents clear and appropriate conclusions.
Outstanding knowledge of the tools / techniques required to undertake the task with evident originality and autonomy of research skills.
There is an outstanding use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.
The work exceeds the taught material in many areas, demonstrating intellectual originality. Work is able to analyse and evaluate the scenario data , and creatively synthesise predictive hypotheses.
Exceptional knowledge base of their discipline with extraordinary originality and autonomy.
There is exceptional use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and develop detailed solutions and recommend course(s) of action
The work significantly exceeds the taught material, demonstrating intellectual originality. Work is able to analyse and evaluate the scenario data , and creatively synthesise predictive hypotheses, recognising anomalies.
10 Marks
Table 2:
ARU Generic Assessment Criteria and Marking Standards: Level 7 – Postgraduate Taught (24/25)
Level 7 is characterised by an expectation of students’ expertise in their specialism. Students are semi-autonomous, demonstrating independence in the negotiation of assessment tasks (including the major project) and the ability to evaluate, challenge, modify and develop theory and practice. Students are expected to demonstrate an ability to isolate and focus on the significant features of problems and to offer synthetic and coherent solutions, with some students producing original or innovative work in their specialism that is worthy of publication or public performance or display.
Mark Bands
Characteristics of Student Achievement by Marking Band for ARU’s Generic
Learning Outcomes (Academic Regulations, Section 2)
Knowledge & Understanding
Intellectual (thinking), Practical, Affective and Transferable Skills
Achieves module outcome(s)
Exceptional analysis of key issues/ concepts/ethics with very clear originality and autonomy. Exceptional development of conceptual structures and argument making an exceptional use of scholarly conventions.
Demonstrates exceptional independence of thought and a very high level of intellectual rigour and consistency. Work pushes the boundaries of the discipline and may be considered for external publication.
Exceptional analysis of key issues/concepts/ ethics. Exceptional development of conceptual structures and argument, making consistent use of scholarly conventions. Exceptional research skills, independence of thought, an extremely high level of intellectual rigour and consistency, exceptional expressive/professional skills, and substantial creativity and originality.
Exceptional academic/ intellectual skills. Work pushes the boundaries of the discipline and may be considered for external publication.
Outstanding analysis of key issues/ concepts/ethics with clear originality and autonomy. Outstanding development of conceptual structures and argument making an exemplary use of scholarly conventions.
Demonstrates outstanding independence of thought and a very high level of intellectual rigour and consistency
Outstanding analysis of key issues/concepts/ ethics. Outstanding development of conceptual structures and argument, making consistent use of scholarly conventions. Outstanding research skills, independence of thought, a high level of intellectual rigour and consistency, outstanding expressive/professional skills, and considerable creativity and originality.
Outstanding academic/intellectual skills
Excellent analysis of key issues/ concepts/ethics. Excellent development of conceptual structures and argument making excellent use of scholarly conventions.
Demonstrates excellent independence of thought and a high level of intellectual rigour and consistency.
Excellent analysis of key issues/concepts/ethics. Excellent development of conceptual structures and argument, making consistent use of scholarly conventions. Excellent research skills, independence of thought, excellent level of intellectual rigour and consistency, excellent expressive/ professional skills, and considerable creativity and originality. Excellent academic/ intellectual skills, and considerable creativity and originality.
Good analysis of key issues/concepts/ ethics. Development of conceptual structures and argument making consistent use of scholarly conventions
Good analysis of key issues/concepts/ethics. Development of conceptual structures and argument, making consistent use of scholarly conventions
A marginal pass in module outcome(s)
Sound knowledge of key issues/ concepts/ethics in discipline.
Occasionally descriptive but some ability to synthesise scholarship and argument. Minor lapses in use of scholarly conventions.
Sound knowledge of key issues/concepts/ ethics in discipline. Occasionally descriptive but some ability to synthesise scholarship and argument. Minor lapses in use of scholarly conventions.
A marginal fail in module outcome(s)
Satisfies default qualifying mark
Limited knowledge of key issues/ concepts/ethics in discipline. Fairly descriptive, with restricted synthesis of existing scholarship and limited argument. Limited use of scholarly conventions.
Limited research skills impede use of learning resources and problem solving. Significant problems with structure/accuracy in expression.
Team/Practical/Professional skills not yet secure. Limited academic/ intellectual skills. Limited use of scholarly conventions.
Fails to achieve module outcome(s)
Qualifying mark not satisfied
Inadequate evidence of knowledge of key issues/concepts/ethics in discipline. Largely descriptive, with little synthesis of existing scholarship and inadequate evidence of argument.
Inadequate evidence of use of scholarly conventions.
Inadequate evidence of research skills, use of learning resources and problem solving. Major problems with structure/ accuracy in expression. Team/ Practical/Professional skills virtually absent. Inadequate evidence of academic/intellectual skills. Inadequate evidence of use of scholarly conventions.
Little evidence of knowledge of key issues/concepts/ethics in discipline. Largely descriptive, with little synthesis of existing scholarship and little evidence of argument. Little evidence of use of scholarly conventions.
Little evidence of research skills, use of learning resources and problem solving. Major problems with structure/ accuracy in expression. Team/ Practical/Professional skills virtually absent. Little evidence of academic/intellectual skills. Little evidence of use of scholarly conventions
Deficient knowledge of key issues/concepts/ethics in discipline. Wholly descriptive, with deficient synthesis of existing scholarship and deficient argument.
Deficient use of scholarly conventions.
Deficient use of research skills, learning resources and problem solving. Major problems with structure/accuracy in expression. Team/Practical/Professional skills absent.
Deficient academic/intellectual skills. Deficient use of scholarly conventions
1- 9%
No evidence of knowledge of key issues/concepts/ethics in discipline. Incoherent and completely but poorly descriptive, with no evidence of synthesis of existing scholarship and no argument whatsoever.
No evidence of use of scholarly conventions.
No evidence of use of research skills, learning resources and problem solving. Incoherent structure/accuracy in expression. Team/ Practical/Professional skills non-existent. No evidence of academic/intellectual skills. No evidence of use of scholarly conventions
Awarded for: (i) non-submission; (ii) dangerous practice and (iii) in situations where the student fails to address the assignment brief (e.g., answers the wrong question) and/or related learning outcomes
The scenario described here is wholly fictitious and has been compiled solely for the purposes of this assignment, with a certain element of “creative licence” to support the learning objectives. Any resemblance to actual locations, buildings, companies or personalities is coincidental.
For the purposes of the scenario, you are to assume that you have been appointed as a Consultant Senior Project Manager to the client company – “ Anglia Foods and Beverages Limited”
Your submission should take the form of a high-quality consultancy report document. You may create your own corporate identity for the consultancy firm (name, logotype, brand style etc.) and use it to create your report if you wish.
Anglia Foods and Beverages Limited
Anglia Foods and Beverages Limited is one of the UK’s more successful food production companies, specialising in the manufacture and supply of own- branded food products to the grocery sector.
Were the company to be a ‘Brand’ in its own right, it would rank just inside the top 60 UK brands.
The company’s recent turnover is as follows:
Turnover (Sales):
£ 158.0 m
£ 159.0 m
£ 171.8 m
For comparison purposes, the UK’s top 20 brands as reported by ‘The Grocer’ are shown in Table 1
2022 Turnover (Sales) £ m:
Red Bull
Birds Eye
Table 1: Biggest UK Brands in Year to December 2022 (Source: The Grocer)
At present Anglia’s product lines fall into three main categories:
Cereal products
Biscuits and snacks
Being an ambitious organisation, the Board is not satisfied with its current market position and has ambitious intentions to expand its product base further. To accomplish this, it is considering a fourth product category, possibly from the following shortlist:
Pet food
Staff have been canvassed for their views and are already in a very positive mood having been informed of the ambition.
Although Anglia’s Board have an ambitious growth orientated business plan that seeks to grow its share of the grocery market it is of the view that the nature of the desired business expansion is such that (a) it does not have the capacity to fully evaluate the options above and, importantly, (b) will need to change its current business processes and supporting management information systems and technology to cope with the needs of the larger enterprise.
It has therefore been decided to engage external consultancy resources to help C-Suite executives decide which option to pursue and to “shape” the business change project that they feel will be necessary. In due course, it is the Board’s intention to invite the selected consultancy to provide the programme / project management expertise to implement the resultant project once the scope of that project has been agreed.
Anglia Foods and Beverages Limited has an organisation structure as depicted in Figure 1.
Anglia Foods and Beverages Limited
Chairman Chief Executive Officer
Silo Directors: Corporate Services and Compliance; Finance; Corporate Communications; People; Production
Corporate Communication
Corporate Services and Compliance
Internal Comms
Business Systems
Financial Reporting
Business Info & IP
Info Security
Operation & Logistics
Cereal Products
Biscuits & Snacks
Figure 1: Anglia Foods and Beverages Limited Corporate Structure
Outline Delivery Plan
Anglia’s Board believe that the business change project should be undertaken in a phased way and has prepared the following outline delivery plan:
Discovery and Business Engagement
Meetings / workshops with directors and key personnel
Option Selection
Solution development – product category review, analysis, evaluation and option selection
Implementation Planning
Detailed scoping, planning, resourcing, budgeting, financial appraisal
Business Case Completion and Board Approval (“Go” or “No-Go”)
Formal completion of business case and documentation
Execution of the approved business case
Handover, Closure and Review
Anglia propose to commence the project (i.e. to commence Phase A) on Monday 6 January 2025. They consider that Phase A should complete within twelve weeks and thereafter phases B, C and D as follows:
Phase B Starts: Monday 31 March 2025 Ends: Friday 18 July 2025
Phase C Starts: Monday 21 July 2025 Ends: Friday 31 October 2025
Phase D Starts: Monday 3 November 2025 Ends: Friday 21 November 2025
Anglia’s Main Board is scheduled to meet on Thursday 11 December 2025 to review the business case and make a “Go” or “No Go” decision. Board papers are distributed 10 working days before the Board meeting.
Consultancy Role and Resources
You are employed as a Senior Consultant Project Manager and you will lead the project team comprising colleagues from your company and specialist subject matter experts from Anglia Foods and Beverages Limited and other food sector consultants.
Anglia’s Finance Director and Production Director will act as joint project sponsors.
The Project Director to whom you report has been in discussion with the client for some while and your consultancy has been engaged to deliver the initial consultancy piece of work up to and including Business Case Approval.
Because the exact scope of the project and the resources that your consultancy may need to deploy beyond Stage B have yet to be determined, your directors have agreed daily fee rates for consultancy team resources as follows.
Project Director
£ 1,050.00
Senior Project Manager
£ 775.00
Project Manager
£ 550.00
Assistant Project Manager
£ 375.00
Administration Assistant
£ 250.00
Staff work Monday to Friday only.
Fee rates are inclusive of expenses, subsistence and disbursements.
These rates will apply throughout the discovery and options selection phases, at the end of which the scope and resource requirements for phases C and D should have been determined. The consultancy fees will at that point be converted to a fixed monthly fee for the whole team with a 15% discount on the headline daily rate shown above.
Phase A Discovery and Business Engagement
The discovery phase will start with a half-day meeting/workshop with C-Suite executives and other key stakeholders (the C-Suite Workshop). Your full consultancy team (as identified above) will participate as a way of ensuring that everyone is “on the same page”. This workshop will enable Anglia to fully brief your consultant team and to enable participants to scope the early phases.
This will be followed by separate half-day workshop sessions with the senior executive responsible for each department and their immediate reports (the Silo Heads Workshops). These meetings will be attended by the Project Director, Senior Project Manager and the Project Manager.
To complete the discovery and information gathering phase half-day workshops will be held with:
Staff of each of each of the five key departments (the Department Workshops). These workshops will be attended by the Senior Project Manager, Project Manager and Assistant Project Manager.
Staff of each of the four production areas (the Production Workshops). These workshops will be attended by the Senior Project Manager, Project Manager and Assistant Project Manager.
You should anticipate that the workshops will be scheduled in the following order: C-Suite, Silo Heads, Department, Production and that only one workshop will be scheduled per day and a maximum of two workshops per week.
Following each workshop there will be a need to prepare meeting records, collate data and start to formulate action and project plans. This is expected to take a ½ day per workshop involving the Senior Project Manager and Project Manager and 1 day per workshop for the Assistant Project Manager and the Administration Assistant
Once all the workshops are complete there will be (minimally) a three-week period during which the consultant team will start to prepare their delivery strategies, outline project plan, draft budgets and other key data for presentation and review with Anglia, followed by a week of client presentations and feedback resulting in an agreed “Action Plan” for the Option Selection phase of the project.
It is also expected that there will be a further week for Anglia to formally ‘sign-off’ the action plan, budgets and project documentation and issue your consultancy with an instruction to proceed with the Option Selection phase.
Note: You should assume that, although each workshop will have a duration of
½ day, it will take a full billable day for each resource deployed to allow for travel and logistics.
Note: You should also assume that your consultancy deploys resource throughout the Discovery Phase as follows: Project Director – 1 day per week (in addition to attendance at workshops); Senior Project Manager – 2 days per week (in addition to attendance at workshops), Project Manager, Assistant Project Manager, Project Assistant and Administration Assistant – 5 days per week.
Phase B Option Selection
The Option Selection Phase is expected to involve a series of meetings, workshops and other engagements throughout the duration of the phase.
At this early stage, it is anticipated that your consultancy will be expected to deploy resource for the duration of the whole phase as follows:
Project Director: 1 day per week Senior Project Manager 2 days per week Project Manager 5 days per week Assistant Project Manager 5 days per week Administration Assistant 3 days per week
It is further anticipated that there will be formal progress meetings with the client every other week which will involve the Project Director and Senior Project Manager for one additional day each for each meeting.
For the purposes of initiating the project, Anglia’s Finance Director is of the view that a budget of £750,000 should be appropriate for all the consultancy services to be provided by you and others during 2025.
Anglia’s ‘internal’ costs will NOT be charged to the project.
A separate budget provision for specialist food sector consultant input should also be made as follows:
Phase B
£ 125,000.00
Phase C
£ 95,000.00
Phase D
£ 10,000.00
You should budget for the cost of your consultancy services for the duration of 2025 from 6 January 2025 to 21 November 2025.
Your costs should be calculated using the detailed deployment data above for phases A and B
For phase C you should assume resource deployment as follows: Project Director: ½ day per week
Senior Project Manager 2 days per week Project Manager
5 days per week Assistant Project Manager 5 days per week Administration Assistant 1 days per week
Five (5) formal progress meetings with the client are anticipated during this phase involving the Project Director and Senior Project Manager for one additional day each for each meeting.
For Phase D you should assume resource deployment as follows: Project Director: 1 day per week
Senior Project Manager 3 days per week Project Manager 5 days per week Assistant Project Manager 3 days per week Administration Assistant 3 days per week
No formal client meetings are anticipated during this phase.
The fee rates are as noted above and the discounted rates stated will apply for phases C and D.
Holidays, Bank and Public Holidays and Taxation including Value Added Tax may be ignored.
Anglia Foods and Beverages Limited have a large, well located production centre in the West Midlands. The site has good connections to the road and motorway network and a nearby rail connection too.
Anglia is fortunate that the site has available space to enable new or expanded production facilities to be built and, utility and other supplies are also readily available with no capacity constraints.
The costs of designing and constructing additional production capacity are outside of your scope of work at present.
From the beginning, Anglia’s Board had taken a view that regardless of the project’s contribution, as long as their overall profit doesn’t fall below 40% (ROI) they would go ahead. The industry average ROI is 35%.
An initial, but selective, search showed that the market was there and if an appropriate option could be delivered a 40% ROI could be achieved. The history of the sector shows that new products have a 20% chance of surviving. Anglia have established that 20% of their product range generates 80% of their total revenue.
Armed with this information, Anglia Foods and Beverages Limited have secured a line of credit of £ 50 m from Agric Development Bank Limited and engaged a new line of suppliers providing credit facilities requiring payment within 60 days, whilst re-contracting with their customers to settle invoices within 4o days.
Additionally, they now offer bulk discounts for larger purchases and further cash discounts should customers settle invoices in less than 30 days.
Because of its effects on the social fabric of the society, the Food Standards Agency has very strict conditions to be met before approval can be granted for the new product lines or ventures. Some of these conditions have to do with quality, waste disposal, maximum level of carbon emissions from the production process and energy conservation measures.
Neighbourhood organisations have learned of the possible planned expansion of the business and, despite the fact that additional jobs will be created, objects to the proposals and are planning to stage a protest to show their disapproval as they fear it could lead to an increase in heavy traffic, noise pollution and other negative effects in the area.
Assessment Task One
Governance and Project Planning
a. An appropriate governance structure is crucial for any project. Propose a governance structure for the delivery of this assignment clearly showing both the internal lines of reporting within your company and the line(s) of reporting into the client organisation.
You should assume that the project is co-sponsored by the Production Director and the Finance Director.
b. Using the data in the scenario, prepare a breakdown structure for all the work elements that will need to be accomplished to complete phases A and B of your consultancy assignment.
Level 1 is ‘The Anglia Foods and Beverage Limited Project’.
Level 2 comprises the six phases identified in the client’s Outline Delivery
Plan identified above.
You are required to produce a breakdown structure for the project to at least level 4 for phases A and B. 30 Marks
Assessment Task Two
Project Plan and Budget
a. Using the data in the scenario, prepare an outline project plan. The plan should extend from the project start (6 January 2025) until the anticipated date of the Anglia Board’s “Go” or “No Go” decision on 11 December 2025.
b. Clearly identify any assumptions you have found it necessary to make in preparing the plan, explain why the assumptions were necessary and any further information required to confirm / justify these assumptions.
c. Prepare a project budget for the work to be accomplished during 2025 as detailed in the scenario.
d. Provide a clear recommendation to the client for the provision of an appropriate contingency sum(s) and include it within the budget figures. 30 Marks
Assessment Task Three
Stakeholder Analysis and Communication
a. All projects have a number of ‘Interested Parties’ (stakeholders) involved in their delivery. Some will be very influential, some less so. Project success is dependent upon the effective management of these contributors. The client has asked for your assistance and asks you to:
Identify the key interested parties (stakeholders) that will have an interest in the project.
b. Carry out an analysis of their influence, needs and wants using an appropriate model (e.g. Mendelow or MoSCoW).
c. Use the results of the analysis to prepare an outline communication plan for each of the stakeholders you have identified. 30 Marks
Sample Answer - Plagiarised
Critically evaluate the complexities of a substantial business project
Propose a governance structure for your consultancy’s delivery of this assignment clearly showing both the internal lines of reporting within your company and the line(s) of reporting into the client organisation.
Task 1: Governance and Project Planning
1a. Governance Structure
An effective governance structure is critical for the successful execution of any project, ensuring clear communication, accountability, and decision-making at every level. The proposed governance structure for this project includes both internal governance within the consultancy firm and external reporting lines to Anglia Foods and Beverages Limited.
Internal Governance (Consultancy Firm) :
Project Director : The Project Director holds overall responsibility for the consultancy’s delivery of this assignment. They ensure alignment with the client’s objectives and strategic goals. The Project Director reports directly to the board of the consultancy firm and provides oversight on all phases of the project.
Senior Project Manager : The Senior Project Manager is the primary contact point between the consultancy team and the client. They manage the consultancy team’s day-to-day operations and report directly to the Project Director. The Senior Project Manager oversees project deliverables and ensures timelines are met.
Project Manager : The Project Manager is responsible for executing the project plan, coordinating tasks, and managing the consultancy’s resources. Reporting to the Senior Project Manager, they supervise workshops, data gathering, and documentation.
Assistant Project Manager : The Assistant Project Manager provides support to the Project Manager by handling specific tasks, maintaining records, and ensuring that all team members have the resources they need to complete their work.
Administration Assistant : The Administration Assistant handles administrative tasks, such as workshop scheduling, documentation, and communication, to support the consultancy team in their day-to-day functions.
External Governance (Anglia Foods and Beverages Limited) :
Project Sponsors (Production Director and Finance Director) : Anglia’s Production Director and Finance Director will act as joint project sponsors. They provide high-level oversight and decision-making authority, ensuring that the project aligns with Anglia’s strategic goals. Both directors will interact directly with the Senior Project Manager, providing guidance, resources, and approvals as required.
Reporting Lines : The Senior Project Manager will report directly to the joint sponsors through bi-weekly progress meetings. The sponsors will ensure that the client’s internal teams are kept informed and will act as liaisons between the consultancy and the C-Suite executives of Anglia.
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