Task Six
Presentation (content, style, professionalism, creativity, and cohesion).
The task was not followed, and there was little to no evidence of the assessment criteria having been met.
For example, the student did not submit the correct content or practically demonstrate an understanding of the topic.
There is little to no use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario.
There is little to no knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline.
The task was followed only to an inadequate degree and there was inadequate evidence of the assessment criteria having been met.
For example, the student demonstrated only inadequate or inappropriate knowledge of the topic.
There is Inadequate use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.
There is inadequate evidence of knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline.
The task was followed to a limited degree.
For example, the student demonstrated only limited understanding of or research into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.
There is limited use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.
There is limited knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work is descriptive, but may be able to list a number of relevant concepts.
The task was followed to a sound degree.
For example, the student demonstrated sound understanding of or research into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.
There is sound use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.
There is sound knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work is somewhat descriptive, but able to evidence understanding of a number of relevant concepts.
Good knowledge of the tools / techniques required to undertake the task, with good secondary research, into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.
There is good use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.
There is good knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work applies analysis and evaluation of scenario data (or data derived therefrom) and presents clear and appropriate conclusions.
Excellent knowledge of the tools / techniques required to undertake the task, with excellent secondary research, into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.
There is an excellent use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.
There is excellent knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work applies comprehensive analysis and evaluation of scenario data and presents clear and appropriate conclusions.
Outstanding knowledge of the tools / techniques required to undertake the task with evident originality and autonomy of research skills.
There is an outstanding use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.
The work exceeds the taught material in many areas, demonstrating intellectual originality. Work is able to analyse and evaluate the scenario data , and creatively synthesise predictive hypotheses.
Exceptional knowledge base of their discipline with extraordinary originality and autonomy.
There is exceptional use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and develop detailed solutions and recommend course(s) of action
The work significantly exceeds the taught material, demonstrating intellectual originality. Work is able to analyse and evaluate the scenario data , and creatively synthesise predictive hypotheses, recognising anomalies.