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Assignment Briefs 10-28-2024

Critically assess and evaluate the value of advanced techniques and processes at various stages of the project management life-cycle


MOD00937 Principles of International Project Management


Practical – Individual Sponsor Presentation (Anglia Foods and Beverages Limited)

Assessment code:


Academic Year:




Module Title:

Principles of International Project Management

Module Code:




Module Leader:

Martin Stevens



Time Limit:

9 minutes, or equivalent, per student

Assessed Learning Outcomes:

Knowledge and Understanding:

2. Critically assess and evaluate the value of advanced techniques and processes at various stages of the project management life-cycle

Intellectual, practical, effective, and transferable skills

4. Demonstrate a critical awareness of the project management profession and tools and techniques that can be used to promote successful project delivery

Assessment Date:

Please refer to the deadline on the VLE


  • This is an individual assessment.
  • No extensions are available for this assessment.
  • Exceptional Circumstances: The deadline for submission of Exceptional Circumstances in relation to this assessment is no later than five working days after the submission date of this work. Students will need to provide evidence to support their EC claim. Please contact the Director of Studies Team - See rules 6.112 – 6.141:
  • Use the Harvard referencing system to acknowledge the sources.
  • You must provide an electronic copy of your Video / Poster /PowerPoint slides at the start of your presentation.


Project managers often have to engage with decision-makers, sponsors and interested parties and make presentations about the project either to explain processes, report on progress or, indeed, to obtain approval to proceed with project execution. A “Go” / “No-Go” decision.

In this simulation you will present to Anglia Foods and Beverages Limited’s Project Sponsor(s). The purpose of the presentation is to explain to these decision-makers the processes involved in the Transition into Service, Handover and Closure of the project at the end of the delivery or implementation phase.


Project Sponsor presentation simulation.

Refer to the case study project scenario and the data provided together with the contents of the professional analytical report you have submitted (Assessment Code 010) earlier in the trimester.

You are to assume that Anglia’s Board made a “Go” decision at its meeting on 11 December 2025 and decided to implement the project to create a new product line and construct new production facilities for that purpose.

The Board further decided to appoint your consultancy to project manage the implementation.

These works have now been successfully completed and are ready to be handed over to the client, transitioned into service and the project closed.

To explain what’s involved to the client, you are to present the following:

(a) A definition of “Closure”

(b) A clear explanation of the transition into service, handover and closure process and what it provides

(c) Identification of the key elements of ‘Transition into Service’

(d) Your proposed Closure Checklist

This is an individual presentation to Anglia’s Project Sponsor(s).

You will be allocated a 9 minute time slot to deliver your presentation which you may undertake in any way that you consider appropriate.

You must allow time within the meeting for a question and answer session with the Project Sponsor(s). It is suggested that you use the available time as follows:

  • Video / Smart Screen / PowerPoint presentation 6 minutes
  • Questions and answer session 3 minutes

Note: The time limit will be strictly applied.


You should read the scenario very carefully. Most of the information required to complete the task is provided. However, this is a masters level piece of work and students are expected to undertake their own reading around the topics and to use their own skill and judgement in both the way in which they respond to each scenario element, any assumptions that they may need to make to complete each task and the conclusions and recommendations that they make in their presentation. Students may find that some data in the scenario is not relevant to the successful completion of the various tasks and, therefore, will need to critically consider the relevance of the data presented.

You should present clear data in responding to the tasks drawn from the scenario, your own evaluation from the professional report that you prepared and the studies you have undertaken as part of this module.

It is recommended that you should be very clear about what you want to present to the audience, the conclusions to be drawn and the course(s) of action that you recommend Anglia’s Board should take.


In your presentation, you must demonstrate the following:

Knowledge and understanding of the concept of key stakeholders and how to proactively engage them to ensure successful project execution.

A critical awareness and understanding of advanced project management techniques by conducting an in-depth analysis of a project proposal and the business case for the project together with any challenges or issues that there might be.

Your presentation will be assessed on the following specific aspects:

  1. Introduction to the presentation and how you ‘set the scene’ for the Client. 10 Marks
  2. Your definition of “Closure” and the explanations provided. 20 Marks
  3. Your explanation of the transition into service, handover and closure process and what it provides 20 Marks
  4. Identification of the key elements of ‘Transition into Service’
  5. Your Closure Checklist 20 Marks 20 Marks
  6. Presentation (content, style, professionalism, creativity, and cohesion). 10 Marks

Total: 100 Marks.

Your presentation will be marked and graded with reference to Table 1.


Required reading for the assignment includes the core reading texts for the module plus a minimum of ten researched academic sources


The work will be assessed in an integrative manner as indicated in the marking rubric that is consistent with Anglia Ruskin University generic assessment criteria and marking standards

Criteria / Grade









Task One

Introduction to the presentation and how you ‘set the scene’ for the Client.

The task was not followed, and there was little to no evidence of the assessment criteria having been met.

For example, the student did not submit the correct content or practically demonstrate an understanding of the topic.

There is little to no use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario.

There is little to no knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline.

The task was followed only to an inadequate degree and there was inadequate evidence of the assessment criteria having been met.


For example, the student demonstrated only inadequate or inappropriate knowledge of the topic.

There is Inadequate use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.

There is inadequate evidence of knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline.

The task was followed to a limited degree.

For example, the student demonstrated only limited understanding of or research into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.

There is limited use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.

There is limited knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work is descriptive, but may be able to list a number of relevant concepts.

The task was followed to a sound degree.

For example, the student demonstrated sound understanding of or research into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.

There is sound use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.

There is sound knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work is somewhat descriptive, but able to evidence understanding of a number of relevant concepts.

Good knowledge of the tools / techniques required to undertake the task, with good secondary research, into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.

There is good use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.

There is good knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work applies analysis and evaluation of scenario data (or data derived therefrom) and presents clear and appropriate conclusions.

Excellent knowledge of the tools / techniques required to undertake the task, with excellent secondary research, into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.

There is an excellent use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.

There is excellent knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work applies comprehensive analysis and evaluation of scenario data and presents clear and appropriate conclusions.

Outstanding knowledge of the tools / techniques required to undertake the task with evident originality and autonomy of research skills.

There is an outstanding use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.

The work exceeds the taught material in many areas, demonstrating intellectual originality. Work is able to analyse and evaluate the scenario data , and creatively synthesise predictive hypotheses.

Exceptional knowledge base of their discipline with extraordinary originality and autonomy.

There is exceptional use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and develop detailed solutions and recommend course(s) of action

The work significantly exceeds the taught material, demonstrating intellectual originality. Work is able to analyse and evaluate the scenario data , and creatively synthesise predictive hypotheses, recognising anomalies.

10 Marks









Criteria / Grade









Task Two

A definition of “Closure” and an explanation of what it involves.

The task was not followed, and there was little to no evidence of the assessment criteria having been met.

For example, the student did not submit the correct content or practically demonstrate an understanding of the topic.

There is little to no use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario.

There is little to no knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline.

The task was followed only to an inadequate degree and there was inadequate evidence of the assessment criteria having been met.

For example, the student demonstrated only inadequate or inappropriate knowledge of the topic.

There is Inadequate use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.

There is inadequate evidence of knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline.

The task was followed to a limited degree.

For example, the student demonstrated only limited understanding of or research into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.

There is limited use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.

There is limited knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work is descriptive, but may be able to list a number of relevant concepts.

The task was followed to a sound degree.

For example, the student demonstrated sound understanding of or research into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.

There is sound use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.

There is sound knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work is somewhat descriptive, but able to evidence understanding of a number of relevant concepts.

Good knowledge of the tools / techniques required to undertake the task, with good secondary research, into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.

There is good use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.

There is good knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work applies analysis and evaluation of scenario data (or data derived therefrom) and presents clear and appropriate conclusions.

Excellent knowledge of the tools / techniques required to undertake the task, with excellent secondary research, into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.

There is an excellent use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.

There is excellent knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work applies comprehensive analysis and evaluation of scenario data and presents clear and appropriate conclusions.

Outstanding knowledge of the tools / techniques required to undertake the task with evident originality and autonomy of research skills.

There is an outstanding use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.

The work exceeds the taught material in many areas, demonstrating intellectual originality. Work is able to analyse and evaluate the scenario data , and creatively synthesise predictive hypotheses.

Exceptional knowledge base of their discipline with extraordinary originality and autonomy.

There is exceptional use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and develop detailed solutions and recommend course(s) of action

The work significantly exceeds the taught material, demonstrating intellectual originality. Work is able to analyse and evaluate the scenario data , and creatively synthesise predictive hypotheses, recognising anomalies.

20 Marks









Criteria / Grade









Task Three

An explanation of the transition into service, handover and closure process and what it provides.

The task was not followed, and there was little to no evidence of the assessment criteria having been met.

For example, the student did not submit the correct content or practically demonstrate an understanding of the topic.

There is little to no use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario. 

There is little to no knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline.

The task was followed only to an inadequate degree and there was inadequate evidence of the assessment criteria having been met.

For example, the student demonstrated only inadequate or inappropriate knowledge of the topic.

There is Inadequate use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.

There is inadequate evidence of knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline.

The task was followed to a limited degree.

For example, the student demonstrated only limited understanding of or research into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.

There is limited use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.

There is limited knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work is descriptive, but may be able to list a number of relevant concepts.

The task was followed to a sound degree.

For example, the student demonstrated sound understanding of or research into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.

There is sound use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.

There is sound knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work is somewhat descriptive, but able to evidence understanding of a number of relevant concepts.

Good knowledge of the tools / techniques required to undertake the task, with good secondary research, into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.

There is good use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.

There is good knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work applies analysis and evaluation of scenario data (or data derived therefrom) and presents clear and appropriate conclusions.

Excellent knowledge of the tools / techniques required to undertake the task, with excellent secondary research, into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.

There is an excellent use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.

There is excellent knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work applies comprehensive analysis and evaluation of scenario data and presents clear and appropriate conclusions.

Outstanding knowledge of the tools / techniques required to undertake the task with evident originality and autonomy of research skills.

There is an outstanding use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.

The work exceeds the taught material in many areas, demonstrating intellectual originality. Work is able to analyse and evaluate the scenario data , and creatively synthesise predictive hypotheses.

Exceptional knowledge base of their discipline with extraordinary originality and autonomy.

There is exceptional use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and develop detailed solutions and recommend course(s) of action

The work significantly exceeds the taught material, demonstrating intellectual originality. Work is able to analyse and evaluate the scenario data , and creatively synthesise predictive hypotheses, recognising anomalies.

20 Marks









Criteria / Grade









Task Four

Identification of the key elements of ‘Transition into Service”

The task was not followed, and there was little to no evidence of the assessment criteria having been met.

For example, the student did not submit the correct content or practically demonstrate an understanding of the topic.

There is little to no use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario.

There is little to no knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline.

The task was followed only to an inadequate degree and there was inadequate evidence of the assessment criteria having been met.

For example, the student demonstrated only inadequate or inappropriate knowledge of the topic.

There is Inadequate use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.

There is inadequate evidence of knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline.

The task was followed to a limited degree.

For example, the student demonstrated only limited understanding of or research into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.

There is limited use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.

There is limited knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work is descriptive, but may be able to list a number of relevant concepts.

The task was followed to a sound degree.

For example, the student demonstrated sound understanding of or research into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.

There is sound use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.

There is sound knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work is somewhat descriptive, but able to evidence understanding of a number of relevant concepts.

Good knowledge of the tools / techniques required to undertake the task, with good secondary research, into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.

There is good use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.

There is good knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work applies analysis and evaluation of scenario data (or data derived therefrom) and presents clear and appropriate


Excellent knowledge of the tools / techniques required to undertake the task, with excellent secondary research, into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.

There is an excellent use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.

There is excellent knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work applies comprehensive analysis and evaluation of scenario data and presents clear and appropriate conclusions.

Outstanding knowledge of the tools / techniques required to undertake the task with evident originality and autonomy of research skills.

There is an outstanding use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.

The work exceeds the taught material in many areas, demonstrating intellectual originality. Work is able to analyse and evaluate the scenario data , and creatively synthesise predictive hypotheses.

Exceptional knowledge base of their discipline with extraordinary originality and autonomy.

There is exceptional use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and develop detailed solutions and recommend course(s) of action

The work significantly exceeds the taught material, demonstrating intellectual originality. Work is able to analyse and evaluate the scenario data , and creatively synthesise predictive hypotheses, recognising anomalies.

20 Marks









Criteria / Grade









Task Five

Presentation of a Closure Checklist

The task was not followed, and there was little to no evidence of the assessment criteria having been met.

For example, the student did not submit the correct content or practically demonstrate an understanding of the topic.

There is little to no use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario.

There is little to no knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline.

The task was followed only to an inadequate degree and there was inadequate evidence of the assessment criteria having been met.

For example, the student demonstrated only inadequate or inappropriate knowledge of the topic.

There is Inadequate use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.

There is inadequate evidence of knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline.

The task was followed to a limited degree.

For example, the student demonstrated only limited understanding of or research into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.

There is limited use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.

There is limited knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work is descriptive, but may be able to list a number of relevant concepts.

The task was followed to a sound degree.

For example, the student demonstrated sound understanding of or research into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.

There is sound use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.

There is sound knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work is somewhat descriptive, but able to evidence understanding of a number of relevant concepts.

Good knowledge of the tools / techniques required to undertake the task, with good secondary research, into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources

There is good use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.

There is good knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work applies analysis and evaluation of scenario data (or data derived therefrom) and presents clear and appropriate conclusions.

Excellent knowledge of the tools / techniques required to undertake the task, with excellent secondary research, into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.

There is an excellent use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.

There is excellent knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work applies comprehensive analysis and evaluation of scenario data and presents clear and appropriate conclusions.

Outstanding knowledge of the tools / techniques required to undertake the task with evident originality and autonomy of research skills.

There is an outstanding use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.

The work exceeds the taught material in many areas, demonstrating intellectual originality. Work is able to analyse and evaluate the scenario data , and creatively synthesise predictive hypotheses.

Exceptional knowledge base of their discipline with extraordinary originality and autonomy.


There is exceptional use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and develop detailed solutions and recommend course(s) of action

The work significantly exceeds the taught material, demonstrating intellectual originality. Work is able to analyse and evaluate the scenario data , and creatively synthesise predictive hypotheses, recognising anomalies.

20 Marks









Criteria / Grade









Task Six

Presentation (content, style, professionalism, creativity, and cohesion).

The task was not followed, and there was little to no evidence of the assessment criteria having been met.

For example, the student did not submit the correct content or practically demonstrate an understanding of the topic.

There is little to no use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario.

There is little to no knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline.

The task was followed only to an inadequate degree and there was inadequate evidence of the assessment criteria having been met.

For example, the student demonstrated only inadequate or inappropriate knowledge of the topic.

There is Inadequate use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.

There is inadequate evidence of knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline.

The task was followed to a limited degree.

For example, the student demonstrated only limited understanding of or research into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.

There is limited use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.

There is limited knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work is descriptive, but may be able to list a number of relevant concepts.

The task was followed to a sound degree.

For example, the student demonstrated sound understanding of or research into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.

There is sound use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.

There is sound knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work is somewhat descriptive, but able to evidence understanding of a number of relevant concepts.

Good knowledge of the tools / techniques required to undertake the task, with good secondary research, into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.

There is good use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.

There is good knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work applies analysis and evaluation of scenario data (or data derived therefrom) and presents clear and appropriate conclusions.

Excellent knowledge of the tools / techniques required to undertake the task, with excellent secondary research, into the topic area through a number of appropriate sources.

There is an excellent use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.

There is excellent knowledge of key issues / concepts of the discipline. Work applies comprehensive analysis and evaluation of scenario data and presents clear and appropriate conclusions.

Outstanding knowledge of the tools / techniques required to undertake the task with evident originality and autonomy of research skills.

There is an outstanding use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and present appropriate responses.

The work exceeds the taught material in many areas, demonstrating intellectual originality. Work is able to analyse and evaluate the scenario data , and creatively synthesise predictive hypotheses.

Exceptional knowledge base of their discipline with extraordinary originality and autonomy.

There is exceptional use of appropriate theories and models to critically analyse the scenario and develop detailed solutions and recommend course(s) of action

The work significantly exceeds the taught material, demonstrating intellectual originality. Work is able to analyse and evaluate the scenario data , and creatively synthesise predictive hypotheses, recognising anomalies.

10 Marks









Table 2:

ARU Generic Assessment Criteria and Marking Standards: Level 7 – Postgraduate Taught (24/25)



Demonstrates excellent independence of thought and a high level of intellectual rigour and consistency.

level of intellectual rigour and consistency, excellent expressive/ professional skills, and considerable creativity and originality. Excellent academic/ intellectual skills, and considerable creativity and originality.




Good analysis of key issues/concepts/ ethics. Development of conceptual structures and argument making consistent use of scholarly conventions

Good analysis of key issues/concepts/ethics. Development of conceptual structures and argument, making consistent use of scholarly conventions



A marginal pass in module outcome(s)

Sound knowledge of key issues/ concepts/ethics in discipline.

Occasionally descriptive but some ability to synthesise scholarship and argument. Minor lapses in use of scholarly conventions.

Sound knowledge of key issues/concepts/ ethics in discipline. Occasionally descriptive but some ability to synthesise scholarship and argument. Minor lapses in use of scholarly conventions.




A marginal fail in module outcome(s)

Satisfies default qualifying mark

Limited knowledge of key issues/ concepts/ethics in discipline. Fairly descriptive, with restricted synthesis of existing scholarship and limited argument. Limited use of scholarly conventions.

Limited research skills impede use of learning resources and problem solving. Significant problems with structure/accuracy in expression.

Team/Practical/Professional skills not yet secure. Limited academic/ intellectual skills. Limited use of scholarly conventions.





Fails to achieve module outcome(s)


Qualifying mark not satisfied

Inadequate evidence of knowledge of key issues/concepts/ethics in discipline. Largely descriptive, with little synthesis of existing scholarship and inadequate evidence of argument.

Inadequate evidence of use of scholarly conventions.

Inadequate evidence of research skills, use of learning resources and problem solving. Major problems with structure/ accuracy in expression. Team/ Practical/Professional skills virtually absent. Inadequate evidence of academic/intellectual skills. Inadequate evidence of use of scholarly conventions.




Little evidence of knowledge of key issues/concepts/ethics in discipline. Largely descriptive, with little synthesis of existing scholarship and little evidence of argument. Little evidence of use of scholarly conventions.

Little evidence of research skills, use of learning resources and problem solving. Major problems with structure/ accuracy in expression. Team/ Practical/Professional skills virtually absent. Little evidence of academic/intellectual skills. Little evidence of use of scholarly conventions



Deficient knowledge of key issues/concepts/ethics in discipline. Wholly descriptive, with deficient synthesis of existing scholarship and deficient argument. 

Deficient use of scholarly conventions.

Deficient use of research skills, learning resources and problem solving. Major problems with structure/accuracy in expression. Team/Practical/Professional skills absent. 

Deficient academic/intellectual skills. Deficient use of scholarly conventions







No evidence of knowledge of key issues/concepts/ethics in discipline. Incoherent and completely but poorly descriptive, with no evidence of synthesis of existing scholarship and no argument whatsoever.

No evidence of use of scholarly conventions.

No evidence of use of research skills, learning resources and problem solving. Incoherent structure/accuracy in expression. Team/ Practical/Professional skills non-existent. No evidence of academic/intellectual skills. No evidence of use of scholarly conventions



Awarded for: (i) non-submission; (ii) dangerous practice and (iii) in situations where the student fails to address the assignment brief (e.g., answers the wrong question) and/or related learning outcomes

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