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Assignment Briefs 10-10-2024

Research Methods in Business Practice BSS057-3

Assignment Brief

Assignment submission             Marks and feedback

Assessment deadline

Marks and feedback

To be submitted Before 10 a.m. on:

20 workingdays after deadline (L3,4, 5,6 and 7)


15 working days after deadline (block delivery)





Please note, for Exams the date is arranged centrally aligned to the academic calendar. Exams timetables will be released 6 weeks before the exam period. Please check the exams calendar regularly on this link(requires BREO login).

Key assignment details

Unit title & code

Research Methods in Business Practice- BSS057-3

Assignment number & title

Assignment 1 – Business Problem/Research Proposal-Based Poster

Assignment type (including exams)

Coursework - Poster

Weighting of assignment


Size or length of assessment or exam duration

Equivalent of 1200

Unit learning outcomes



1       Demonstrate knowledge and understanding that are relevant to business research:

  • Nature of the literature review, Research methods, Research design, Research philosophy, and data collectionand analysis, as well as their relevance to business practice.

2       Demonstrate the following skills and abilities:

  • Identifying a business research problem
  • Developing a purposeful literature review and analysing a complex data set to solve a business problem.
  • Presenting research outcome/proposal using a poster



Assignment Brief Discussion with Students

The assessment brief must be discussed during an in-class session with students within the first 2 weeks of the unit and be accompanied by a screen/podcast on the BREO shell explaining the assessment, the rubric and marking criteria. Please confirm the date this discussion is to take place:

Click or tap to enter a date.

Completing your assignment

What am I required to do in this assignment?

You must produce an individual narrated poster addressing a business research problem or a research proposal that can be developed in your final year dissertation. The poster should contain the following elements:

  1. Title: Clear and concise title that reflects your research problem and focus
  2. Introduction: a brief introduction that outlines the context and justifies the choice of a business research problem/proposal.   Clearly defined business research problem or research proposal as well as the gap within the subject area.
  3. Literature Review: Succinct review of relevant Literature covering the gap in the body of knowledge, relevant concepts, models and/or theories where necessary. Highlighting key theoretical concepts and prior research in the subject area
  4. Research Methodology and Conceptual Framework
  5. Data analysis and Findings: an outline of the proposed DA techniques and methods proposed for this research.
  6. Expected findings and conclusions that can be drawn from the analysis of the dataset that addresses the business research problem. (Especially for a business research problem-based poster).
  7. Potential outcomes: where the focus of the poster is a research proposal that can be developed into your final dissertation, clear potential research outcomes should be included (Especially for a Research Proposal poster).
  8. References:
  • The purpose of the individual poster is to allow the student the opportunity to explore an area of the course in-depth and demonstrate evidence of independent critical thought and research. You will need to develop a research proposal in a relevant business research area based on the topic selected for your final year dissertation or identify a business research problem and use relevant datasets that are freely provided- for example the Office of National Statistics ( to provide a solution to the business research problem you have identified.
  • When developing your own business research problem or research proposal, you should consult with your tutor with regard to its appropriateness. Please keep in mind that the focus of this assessment is not only on the research problem itself but also on the way, you use relevant data to justify the rationale behind the choice of the business research problem, how you develop the poster and also how your conceptual framework depicts a logical connection among the relevant variables and/or concepts.
  • You should maintain good references using the Harvard system. Incorrect referencing will be penalised.
  • For your poster, the title should be concise and draw interest in line with the content of the poster, the layout should be clear and consistent with effective use of graphics, colour and appropriate font size. Similarly, the text should be clearer and to the point. You may want to learn how to develop an appropriate Poster for your assessment using PowerPoint.
  • You will need to upload your poster in the submission link in week 8.

What do I need to do to pass? How do I achieve a good grade?

The Unit Information Form states the Threshold Expectations that inform both you and markers what is the minimum needed to be demonstrated to pass the assessment. They should, therefore, answer the question "What do I need to do pass?”. During the assessment introductory session, you should be given the opportunity to check your understanding of the threshold statements and what you need to do to surpass them.

The assessment marking criteria listed below show how your work is assessed. The assessment criteria are informed by the unit’s learning outcomes and the assessment task. Carefully reading the assessment criteria should help you understand the aspects that will be used to judge your progress and achievement of the learning outcomes and offer guidance on “how do I achieve a good grade”.

To pass Assessment 1, you will need to:

  • Show understanding of the context of the chosen topic
  • Develop a literature review that uses at least 4-3 academic sources of information.
  • Include relevant data collection methods to address the topic and support your conclusions or the potential research outcomes.
  • Submit or put your ideas in a comprehensive and concise poster format.
  • Produce an academic piece of work which is supported by evidence of research and UoB Harvard Referencing.

How does this assignment relate to ‘my learning in this unit and help me develop knowledge and skills that I will need for my future?

Scheduled sessions deliver content related to the assessment, for example, literature review and data analysis. The unit utilises a problem-based assignment which is to be presented on a poster. The knowledge is delivered via lectures and seminars and aims to support the cognitive development of the students as they gain skills in dealing with the problem at hand. 

Within the University of Bedfordshire, graduate competencies refer to the skills, knowledge, attributes, and abilities that individuals are expected to possess upon completing their education at the graduate level. Our graduate competencies are the fundamental building blocks in preparing you for the future world of work. They form the foundation for learning outcomes within and beyond your course. They are relevant for every subject and you can work towards them in different ways, so that you can attain and benefit from them even if you have lots going on outside of university. These competencies will be integrated across your course and units.

The table below indicates graduate competencies gained relevant to this assessment.

Graduate competencies; Tick (✔) ones relevant to this assessment (further guidance for staff Graduate competencies | University of Bedfordshire (

Digital Literacy

Collaboration and Communication

Problem-solving and critical thinking

Creativity and Entrepreneurship

Adaptability and Resilience

Global Citizenship

Course-specific competencies.

Skills in planning, organizing, and managing research projects

Development of critical thinking skills to analyse and solve complex business problems using research-based evidence


What should I be aware of when preparing my and how and where should I submit my work? (May need wiseflow info for exams)

When submitting work for assessment, you must ensure that it is all your own work. Failure to do this could result in sanctions, including removal from your course. The Academic Integrity Resource (AIR) has been designed to introduce you to academic integrity and how to demonstrate this during your studies.

The University provides access to Studiosity that connects students with a team of writing specialists who are here to help you with writing and core skills - anytime, anywhere. Studiosity provides you with two online services: Writing Feedback and Connect Live.  Their Writing Feedback gives feedback on referencing, choice of language, structure and spelling/grammar within 24 hours. If you are not sure how to use the feedback to enhance your work before making a final submission, you can arrange to discuss this with a member of the Study Hubteam. Connect Live also offers live support in areas such as basic English, maths and stats, science and generic study skills. Both services are available 24/7, 365 days of the year, and you can access them for FREE via BREO.

For exams, you should familiarise yourself with the guidance information available here:

Practice exams can be taken for all exam types before exams week.  Please see section Prepare for your exam.

Poster Submission Guidelines: 

  • Poster must be submitted via BREO by the date and time specified.  Late submissions will be marked only with approved mitigation. Late submissions without mitigation will be marked 0/G. If you have/anticipate difficulties in meeting the deadline, please contact SID (Student Information Desk) to apply for Mitigating Circumstances as soon as possible. 
  • The guided word limit is 1,200 words.  Please ensure that your student number is captured on the poster. 

Guidance on using AI in the current assessment: 

You are advised to avoid using AI tools for this assessment. However, if you may choose to employ AI tools such as ChatGPT to research and understand the chosen proposed business issue being researched, you may do so while documenting the evidence. In this case, you MUST add such evidence in the appendix as AI prompts used for the research. It is expected that your assessment should be your original piece of work indicating proper paraphrasing and accurately referenced text. For detailed information on AI, please visit this link  . Proofreading and editing information is also included in the link explicitly stating that ‘use of AI could result in the work no longer your own writing if you do not follow the correct guidance’. Therefore, you should familiarise yourself with the available guidance information.  




(1st Class)






(3rd Class)

Threshold Standard






Title and Context of the Chosen Business Research Problem/Proposal

Clear title and thorough evidence of a well-developed context with relevant research and good use of referencing to demonstrate and justify the choice of the topic

Acceptable title and evidence of a well-presented context with good and relevant references to demonstrate and justify the choice of the topic

A somewhat clear title with some evidence of context is provided to justify the choice of the topic. Even though superficial in many areas. The references are of mixed quality

Provided some evidence of relevant research and context but the justification for the choice of the topic is largely limited and vague, with many references of poor quality

Unclear title with Insufficient evidence of relevant research and context and a limited justification for the choice of the topic. The references are of largely poor quality

Unclear title with no evidence of relevant research and context and a limited or no justification for the choice of the topic. The references are of largely poor quality


Identification of Research Problem/Gap in the body of Knowledge emanating from Literature review

Comprehensive and outstanding evidence that demonstrates the problem identified or the gap in the body of knowledge emanating from the literature review

Appropriate evidence that demonstrates the problem identified or the gap in the body of knowledge emanating from the literature review

Satisfactory evidence that demonstrates the gap in the body of knowledge or the research problem identified.  The conceptual framework could have been included or made clearer

Insufficient evidence that demonstrates the gap in the body of knowledge or the research problem identified.  The conceptual framework is absent

Limited or no evidence is included that demonstrates the problem identified or the gap in the body of knowledge emanating from the literature review

No evidence of research that demonstrates the problem identified or the gap in the body of knowledge emanating from the literature review



Research Methods and Conceptual Framework

The poster demonstrates a comprehensive and outstanding understanding of the application of research methods and evidence of an outline of a conceptual framework for the research

The Poster demonstrates a clear and appropriate understanding of the application of research methods and evidence of an outline of a conceptual framework for the research

The Poster demonstrates Satisfactory understanding of the application of research methods and evidence of an outline of a conceptual framework for the research

Insufficient understanding of the application of research methods and limited evidence of an outline of a conceptual framework for the research



Limited understanding of the application of research methods. Evidence of an outline of the conceptual framework of the research in the poster is absent

The understanding of the application of research methods and the evidence of an outline of the conceptual framework for the research in the poster is absent


Poster Design and Visual Elements

Exceptionally organized poster with outstanding visual appeal. Visual elements are of the highest quality, enhancing comprehension, and are exceptionally clear and effective.

Highly organized poster with strong visual appeal. Visual elements significantly enhance comprehension and are clear and effective.

Well-organized poster with good visual appeal. Visual elements enhance comprehension and are mostly clear.

Adequately organized poster with moderate visual appeal. Visual elements are generally clear but may benefit from improvements.


Limited organization in the poster layout. Visual elements are somewhat disorganized and may hinder comprehension.

Poorly organized poster with little or no visual appeal. Visual elements are confusing and hinder comprehension.


Quality of Explanation and Contentof the Poster

It has an exceptional quality of explanation, showcasing outstanding articulation, pacing, and exceptional clarity. The explanation follows a flawless, well-structured, and highly coherent narrative.

Strong quality of explanation, demonstrating clear articulation, excellent pacing, and high clarity. The explanation follows a well-structured and coherent narrative flow.

Effective quality of explanation, withappropriate pacing, and good clarity. The narration flow of the poster follows a logical structure and is generally coherent.

Adequate quality of explanationin the poster but with room for improvement. The narrative flow has a discernible structure but may lack coherence.

Limited quality of explanation in the poster. The narrative flow lacks a clear and coherent structure.

Ineffective explanation in the poster with significant difficulties in communicating the research idea on the poster. Narration flowlacks structure and coherence.


Professional Formatting References Language

Excellent and

outstanding well-written Poster, with clear expressions and correct formatting. The spelling and the use of language are largely correct with a smooth flow of reading throughout. The reference is diverse and follows the appropriate referencing convention

The poster is well drafted and demonstrates somewhat correct language usage with precise and concise statements within the text of the poster. Whilst there is some Adherence to the referencing conventions both in the text and the reference list, there are some errors in some parts.

The poster is largely fair in terms of the Overall presentation, formatting, and spelling, though there is somewhat imprecise usage of language within the text of the poster. Adherence to the referencing conventions both in the text and the reference list is largely ignored

The Poster is somewhat Poorly formatted, with imprecise language, and spelling-related mistakes. Adherence to the referencing conventions both in the text and the reference list was not followed all through

The Poster is largely poor and limited in terms of the Overall presentation, formatting, spelling, and imprecise use of language. Adherence to the referencing conventions both in the text and the reference list is largely ignored

The Poster is of poor quality in many areas and limited in terms of the Overall presentation, formatting, spelling, and imprecise use of language. Adherence to the referencing conventions both in the text and the reference list is largely ignored

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