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1.1 Develop a risk management policy setting out clear responsibilities for risk management at different levels.




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Assessment is entirely my own work and, if I have incorporated any copied text, I have accurately referenced the work of the original source. I confirm I have read the IWFM Malpractice Policy.





Word  Count:   

Learners must declare the word  count  on  the  front  cover  of  their  work.    Words used in headings,  index,  referencing,  bibliography  and  appendices  must  be  excluded  from  the  word  count


Using your own company, develop a Risk Management Policy (AC 1.1) with a maximum of 6,000 words covering the following topics:

1 How the risk management policy will be developed, setting out clear responsibilities for risk management at different levels, how to communicate the policy across the organisation and to other relevant parties so as to develop an organisational culture in which people are risk aware. (AC 1.1, 1.2,1.3)

2 A method for establishing the risk criteria for an organisation taking account of the views of relevant people across an organisation and stakeholders and

how you would review and update the risk criteria for an organisation. Propose how you would deal with changes to the organisation and how you would cater for changes to existing risks and dealing with new ones. Analyse the nature of these potential risks, their probability of occurrence and possible consequences for the facilities management function and an organisation. (AC 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3)

3 Explain how you would produce a risk profile of an organisation taking account of the risk criteria and other relevant information. Propose how you would collect and evaluate information from across an organisation on how identified risks have been or are being dealt with, including contingency plans which have been put in place. Identify the resources that need to be allocated across an organisation to support and enable effective risk management. (AC 4.1, 5.1, 4.3)

4 Suggest practices to ensure senior management commitment to the risk management process. (AC 4.2)

5 Propose how you would review and evaluate the effectiveness of the risk management process in an organisation, identifying potential improvements and making changes where necessary. Review and update strategies for dealing with threats to business continuity and the robustness of disaster recovery plans. (AC 4.4, 5.2)

Title: Risk management in facilities management

Level: 5

Credit value: 6

Learning outcomes

Assessment criteria

The learner will

The learner can:

1. Be able to develop and disseminate a risk management policy and culture within an organisation

1.1 Develop a risk management policy setting out clear responsibilities for risk management at different levels.

1.2 Develop a strategy to communicate the policy across an organisation and to other relevant parties.

1.3 Produce a strategy to develop an organisational culture in which people are risk aware.

2. Be able to establish and review risk criteria for an organisation

2.1 Establish the risk criteria for an organisation taking account of the views of relevant people across an organisation  and stakeholders.

2.2  Review and update the risk criteria for an organisation

3. Be able to review and evaluate organisational activities and the potential risks that might emerge

3.1 Determine the review and updating process.

3.2 Evaluate current and planned organisational activities and identify potential risks associated with these.

3.3 Analyse the nature of these potential risks, their probability of occurrence and possible consequences for the facilities management function and an organisation

4. Be able to manage and improve the risk management process in an organisation

4.1 Produce a risk profile of an organisation taking account of the risk criteria and other relevant information.

4.2 Suggest practices to ensure senior management commitment to the risk management process.

4.3 Identify the resources that need to be allocated across an organisation to support and enable effective risk management

4.4 Review and evaluate the effectiveness of the risk management process in an organisation, identifying potential improvements and making changes where necessary.

5. Be able to review the effectiveness of actions being take to reduce risk and maintain business continuity

5.1 Collect and evaluate information from across an organisation on how identified risks have been or are being dealt with, including contingency plans which have been put in place.

5.2 Review and update strategies for dealing with threats to business continuity and the robustness of disaster recovery plans.


1. Remember to always title your assessment e.g.


2. Remember to always  reference  each  page  of  your  assessment  with  the Cohort Reference Number and your IWFM Membership Number.

3. It is recommended that you annotate your work with the assessment criteria number for ease of marking.

4. Any  text  which  has  been  copied  MUST  be  accurately  referenced  to  the original source (e.g. Harvard Referencing).  Any text which is copied and not referenced is deemed as plagiarism which may result in your work being voided (please refer to the BIFM Malpractice Policy & Procedure). 1.1 Develop a risk management policy setting out clear responsibilities for risk management at different levels. You will be asked to sign a statement to the effect that your assessment is your own work before submission to IWFM for marking.

5. When presenting your assessment, please use font size 12.

6. Please ensure every page is correctly numbered.

7. The word count for this assessment is between 5,500 and 6,000 words

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