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Assignment Briefs 09-18-2024

You have been approached by the International Journal of Innovation Management. to design a podcast for a special edition on ‘Innovation and Technology Transfer in Complex and Highly Competitive World’.

Final Assessment (2) - Summative Podcast

Points 100

Submitting a text entry box Available until 26 Aug at 23:59

Final Assessment - Summative Assessment

Please see below the second and final summative assignment.

Final Assessment - Podcast on ‘Innovation and Technology Transfer in a complex and highly competitive world’

Summative Assessment 2: Audio and report

Submission deadline: 13:00 UK time on Monday the last day of Week 8

Return date: 4 weeks from submission date

Assessment weighting: 65%

Word count: N/A (please see duration below)

Summary of your Task

65% Podcast on ‘Innovation and Growth in challenging times’

You have been approached by the International Journal of Innovation Management. to design a podcast for a special edition on ‘Innovation and Technology Transfer in Complex and Highly Competitive World’. This is a special edition that focuses on the importance of being a creative practitioner to be able to work within an ever-increasing turbulent environment. You have been commissioned to provide a podcast from a Innovation Consultants perspective on the innovative practices which have had an impact on one of the following:

Managing Innovation & Technology Transfer in an Organisation. Creating an innovation culture

The Art of Managing Innovation Teams

The Innovation Funnel to enhance performance.

Networking with staff in different departments on an innovation project.

Choose one from the list above and design a Podcast which provides educational insight for the board members of your organisation. The Podcast should be between 3 to 4 minutes in duration (this is estimated to be equivalent to 550-750 words).

With the Podcast, you will need to submit a transcript and a bibliography which outlines the academic literature and secondary data sources you used to design the podcast.

For further information on making a video submission, please refer to the Video Submission Guidance page. (


This assignment should be submitted by 13:00 UK time on Monday the last day of Week 8

Select where and how to record your Podcast. You will need to be able to upload your Podcast as a media file. Submit your transcript and bibliography together with the media recording to the submission page.

For further information on creating/submitting a media submission and supporting documents, please refer to the Video Submission Guidance page. ( guidance)


List all sources used to design the podcast including academic literature from textbooks, journal articles and secondary data sources You are expected to present the list following Harvard Referencing system.


This activity will be graded, and you will receive feedback on it. Submission deadline: 13:00 UK time on Monday Day 7 Week 8. Return date: 4 weeks from the submission date.

Grading criteria

This activity is graded and you will receive feedback on it. The University`s Postgraduate Generic Assessment Criteria (  ( is provided to help you understand how you will be graded as outlined in the Assignment briefs. We strongly recommend that you familiarise yourself with this thoroughly before you start this assessment.

Example Answer

Podcast Title: "Creating an Innovation Culture: Building the Foundation for Sustainable Success"


Welcome to this special edition of the International Journal of Innovation Management podcast. I’m your host, an Innovation Consultant with extensive experience helping organisations foster creativity and drive innovation in today’s complex and competitive world. In this episode, we will be discussing the crucial topic of "Creating an Innovation Culture"—a vital element for any organisation aiming to manage innovation and technology transfer successfully.

Segment 1: Why an Innovation Culture Matters

In a fast-paced, highly competitive environment, where technology evolves rapidly, organisations need more than just great ideas—they need a system that nurtures and channels those ideas into actionable innovations. An innovation culture is the bedrock of that system. It ensures that creativity is encouraged at every level of the organisation, from the CEO to front-line employees. Such a culture not only fuels creativity but also ensures that the process of innovation is embedded into daily operations, making it a natural part of how the organisation functions.

Companies that cultivate an innovation culture are better equipped to manage technology transfer and adaptation because their employees are more likely to embrace change and take ownership of the process. Organisations without this foundation risk stagnation, as staff may feel stifled, disengaged, or resistant to new technologies.

Segment 2: Building Blocks of an Innovation Culture

So, what does it take to create a culture where innovation thrives? There are several key components:

  1. Leadership Commitment: Innovation needs to be a priority at the highest levels of the organisation. Leaders must model innovative behaviour and actively participate in and promote creative initiatives. Without visible support from leadership, attempts to foster innovation often fall flat.



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