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Assignment Briefs 08-03-2024

AC1.1 outline current and relevant legislation, principles, national policies, frameworks, and local systems that relate to safeguarding and protection from abuse and improper treatment.

City & Guilds Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care (3096) 

Unit Title: 301 – Safeguarding and Protection in Adult Care Settings/Services

About this Unit:

In Unit 301 Safeguarding and Protection in Adult Care Settings/Services, students will delve into essential aspects of safeguarding practices, focusing on the legislative frameworks and practical approaches necessary to protect adults in care environments. The assignment requires students to comprehensively explore key safeguarding legislation, such as the Care Act 2014, and the roles and responsibilities it imposes on care workers and organisations. Students will investigate various forms of abuse, including physical, emotional, financial, and sexual, and will develop the skills needed to identify signs and symptoms of each type. The assignment will also involve analysing case studies to understand the practical application of safeguarding procedures and effective response strategies. Students will be tasked with creating a report on current safeguarding policies and their implications for care settings, as well as proposing strategies for maintaining a safe and supportive environment. Through these tasks, students will gain a thorough understanding of their responsibilities in safeguarding and learn how to contribute to a culture of safety within adult care services.

Learner statement

Assessor Use Only- Assessment Criteria Met

Learner to provide narrative under each statement of how they meet the criteria.  However, where the assessment criteria asks you to ‘Demonstrate’ this may be covered during your observation with your assessor and if so you are not required to provide written narrative.  This will be stated under the assessment criteria so please read carefully.

You must provide answers to each question that allow your assessor to properly assess what work duties you are doing or what role you have within your work. It expected that you will need approximately 300 words per question. The more detail you provide the less likely your account will be sent back for more clarification.

You must answer each question in your own words and write in the first person meaning “I do this”. A tip is always to keep in mind the “who, why, how, where and when” in each answer.

Please upload a copy your safeguarding certificate

Useful links for this unit are: For guidance only.

Don’t forget to use your company policies and procedures.


What are the six principles of safeguarding? | SCIE

Legislation relating to safeguarding adults | Overview for social care | SCIE

Mental Capacity Act 2005 (legislation.gov.uk)

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) at a glance | SCIE

Legislation - Care Quality Commission (cqc.org.uk)


Learning outcome 1: Understand the national and local context of safeguarding and protection from abuse and improper treatment

AC1.1 outline current and relevant legislation, principles, national policies, frameworks, and local systems that relate to safeguarding and protection from abuse and improper treatment.


Liberty Protection Safeguards:


▪ Mental Capacity Act 2005:


▪ Human Rights Act 1998:


▪ Equality Act 2010:


▪ Mental Health Act 1983:  


▪ Health and Social Care Act 2012:


▪ Care Act 2014


AC1.2 describe the roles of different agencies in safeguarding and protecting an individual’s right to live in safety and be free from abuse and improper treatment.


AC1.2 Agencies must include:


• Police


• Regulatory body: 


• Adult social care services:


• Children social care services:  


• Disclosure and barring service



AC1.3 evaluate how reports into serious failures in upholding an individual’s right to live free from abuse have influenced current practice.


(must be related to adults not children)

Please see the links provided for guidance.


AC1.4 outline sources of information and advice about own role in:

You may have to look into the policies and procedures to your workplace.

These will

a. safeguarding and protecting individuals from abuse.



b. whistle blowing


c. accountability for decision making.


d. information sharing


Learning outcome 2:  Understand principles of safeguarding adults.


AC2.1 explain what is meant by the terms: 


a. safeguarding


b. abuse


c. harm


AC2.2 explain own role and responsibilities in safeguarding individuals from abuse and improper treatment.



AC2.3 outline what is meant by the following terms:

a. physical abuse



b. domestic abuse


c. sexual abuse


d. emotional/ psychological abuse


e. financial/ material abuse


f. modern slavery


g. discriminatory abuse


h. organisational abuse


i. neglect/ acts of omission


j. self-neglect


Learning outcome 3: Know how to recognise signs of abuse and improper treatment.


AC3.1 identify indicators that an individual may be being abused.


AC3.2 identify indicators of perpetrator behaviour.


AC3.3 describe factors that may contribute to individuals being more at-risk from abuse and improper treatment


Learning outcome 4: Know how to respond to suspected or disclosed abuse and improper treatment.


AC4.1 describe the actions to take if there are suspicions that an individual is being abused or being subject to improper treatment.


AC4.2 explain the actions to take if an individual discloses that they are being abused.


AC4.3 describe the potential tensions relating to consent to share information.



AC4.4 describe how to share information about suspicions or disclosures of abuse or improper treatment.


AC4.5 describe ways to keep an individual and others appropriately informed and involved about their safeguarding concern in line with policies and procedures.


AC4.6 outline ways to ensure that evidence of abuse is preserved.


AC4.7 describe both how and when to seek support in relation to responding to safeguarding concerns


AC4.8 describe how to respond to suspicion or disclosure that a child or young person is being harmed or abused.


Learning outcome 5: Understand ways to reduce the likelihood of abuse or neglect.

AC5.1 describe how the likelihood of abuse may be reduced by:

a. working with person-centred values.



b. enabling active participation.



c. promoting choice and rights.



d. supporting individuals with awareness of personal safety.



e. working in partnership with others.



AC5.2 explain how an accessible complaints procedure may reduce the likelihood of abuse.




AC5.3 outline how the likelihood of abuse can be reduced by:

a. managing risk.



b. focusing on prevention.



AC5.1 person-centred values: must include

• Individuality

• Rights

• Choice

• Privacy

• Independence

• Dignity

• Respect

• Care

• Compassion

• Courage

• Communication

• Competence

• Partnership

Learning outcome 6: Know how to recognise and report unsafe practices.


AC6.1 describe unsafe practices that may affect the wellbeing of individuals.



AC6.2 explain the actions to take if unsafe practices have been identified.



AC6.3 describe the actions to take if suspected abuse or unsafe practices have been reported but nothing has been done in response.


Learning outcome 7:  Understand the principles of online safety

AC7.1 explain the importance of balancing online safety measures with the benefits individuals can gain from accessing activities online.


AC7.2 explain why it is important to uphold an individual’s rights to make informed decisions about online safety.


AC7.3 describe the potential risks to individuals using:

a. electronic communication devices


b. the internet


c. social networking sites


d. online financial transactions


AC7.4 describe ways of working inclusively with individuals to reduce risks presented by online activities.


References to be listed below ( include the date accessed.)



Declaration of authenticity


When submitting your reflective account and evidence on Learning Assistant please ensure that you click on the ‘Declaration’ button on the top right-hand side of ‘Your Programme’ page.  This confirms that the work you are submitting for your portfolio is your own. 

Thank you.





























AC1.1 outline current and relevant legislation, principles, national policies, frameworks, and local systems that relate to safeguarding and protection from abuse and improper treatment.

Here’s an outline of current and relevant legislation, principles, national policies, frameworks, and local systems in the UK that relate to safeguarding and protection from abuse and improper treatment:


  1. Children Act 1989 and 2004: Establishes the framework for child protection and welfare. It sets out the responsibilities of local authorities, parents, and the courts in ensuring the safety and well-being of children.

  2. Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006: Provides a framework for vetting and barring individuals who are unsuitable to work with children or vulnerable adults. It established the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).

  3. Care Act 2014: Outlines the responsibilities of local authorities in safeguarding adults, including duties to assess needs and risks and to ensure the protection of adults at risk of abuse or neglect.

  4. Children and Families Act 2014: Enhances support for children with special educational needs and disabilities and ensures that children’s welfare is prioritised in family proceedings.

  5. Mental Capacity Act 2005: Provides a framework for making decisions on behalf of adults who lack the mental capacity to make decisions for themselves, ensuring their rights and welfare are protected.

  6. Domestic Abuse Act 2021: Defines and expands the scope of domestic abuse, providing protection for victims and setting out measures for support and intervention.


  1. Safeguarding is Everyone’s Responsibility: Everyone involved in providing care or services should understand their role in safeguarding and protecting individuals from harm.

  2. Prevention and Early Intervention: Focuses on preventing abuse and neglect through proactive measures and early intervention.

  3. Empowerment: Ensuring that individuals are supported to make their own decisions and are provided with the information they need to do so.

  4. Protection: Ensuring that individuals at risk of abuse or neglect are safeguarded and their rights are upheld.

  5. Partnership: Encouraging collaboration between agencies and professionals to provide coordinated and effective responses to safeguarding concerns.

  6. Accountability: Ensuring that all individuals and organisations are accountable for their actions in relation to safeguarding and protection.

National Policies and Frameworks

  1. Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018): Provides a guide for organisations and professionals working with children and families to ensure they work together effectively to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

  2. Keeping Adults Safe in England (2016): A document setting out the framework for safeguarding adults, including the roles and responsibilities of various organisations and professionals.


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