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1.1 Analyse the importance of continuous personal and professional development in achieving organisational objectives
UNIT CMI 525 Using Reflective Practice to Inform Personal and Professional Development
Each task in this assessment brief has been developed to enable you to evidence achievement of the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for CMI 525: Using Reflective Practice to Inform Personal and Professional Development . Each of the assessment criteria must gain a pass outcome for you to successfully achieve the unit.
Preparation for the assessment
Before you begin the assessment brief please read the CMI 525 unit specification thoroughly as only the content related to the achievement of the assessment criteria will be assessed.
Research the topics being assessed. Suggested reading/web resources are provided on the CMI 525 unit specification. Your tutor may signpost you to relevant resources. Additionally, you may access excellent online resources at ManagementDirect https://members.md.cmi.org.uk . Please note that if you have a customised site the link will differ, please contact your Centre for clarification.
If you are enrolled on the Trailblazer Apprenticeship programme you are encouraged to review the Apprenticeship Standard for Operations/Departmental Manager.
Completing the assessment brief
The assessment brief contains a series of tasks which are clearly referenced to the relevant assessment criteria and indicative content.
Refer to the Assessment Guidance Table at the end of the assessment brief which outlines the requirements for a Pass or Refer.
Evidence must be provided in the evidence booklet. Additional work based evidence such as plans or documentation (which has been referred to within the main text) should be included at the end of the booklet marked ‘Work Based Evidence’. Appendices are not a requirement of this assessment brief. If appendices are included these will not be marked or moderated by the CMI.
Work based evidence must be accompanied by a supporting statement in the learner evidence box, to explain the link to the assessment criteria. Work based evidence (where required by the task) must not exceed SIX (6) pages. Files embedded in the booklet must not exceed 10MB.
The evidence booklet must be completed in a professional manner (e.g. applying business conventions for writing formal reports) and by using Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format or another compatible software programme and not in a PDF format.
An appropriate referencing system (such as Harvard Referencing) must be used to ensure the original source(s) of quotations or models can be verified.
Finally, you must sign the Learner Authenticity statement (an electronic signature is accepted).
Learner support
For information regarding policies and procedures for assessment (e.g. special assessment arrangements, learner support, appeals, complaints, certification, confidentiality, plagiarism) you should contact your tutor or Centre manager and refer to the CMI Level 5 in Management and Leadership syllabus.
Being equipped with the knowledge, skills and behaviours to manage and lead in a variety of organisational settings is essential if an individual and their organisation are to succeed.
Reflective practice is an essential management tool which supports the development of knowledge, skills and behaviours in the work place. By consciously analysing own performance, decision making, leadership and management skills (in different situational contexts); opportunities for on-going development can be identified.
Assessment brief CMI 525 has been designed to enable learners to evidence their ability to understand the value of reflective practice, and how reflection can be used as the basis of a meaningful personal and professional development.
Assessment brief CMI 525 features the following assessment tasks. Further detail is provided against each assessment task within the brief.
Assessment Task
Learning outcomes covered by assessment method
Assessment criteria
Guideline word count
Write a briefing paper entitled:
‘The use of reflective practice in personal and professional development’
LO1 Understand the value of reflective practice to inform personal and professional development
1.1 Analyse the importance of continuous personal and professional development in achieving organisational objectives
Approx. 1000 words
1.2 Evaluate the use of reflective practice in personal and professional development
1.3 Evaluate approaches to reflective practice
An evaluation of own performance in the workplace
LO2 Know how to apply reflective practice to inform personal and professional development
2.1 Evaluate own performance in the workplace using principles of reflection
Approx. 500 words
(applies to summary using principles of reflection)
If presenting, Work Based Evidence it must not exceed SIX (6) A4 pages
Complete a reflective account entitled:
‘The impact my working style has on others’
LO2 Know how to apply reflective practice to inform personal and professional development
2.2 Reflect on own working style and its impact on others in the workplace
Approx. 500 words
Write an account on own development needs and development opportunities.
LO2 Know how to apply reflective practice to inform personal and professional development
2.3 Analyse development needs for current and future roles
Approx. 1000 words
2.4 Examine development opportunities to meet short, medium and long term objectives
Create a personal and professional development plan with measurable objectives
LO2 Know how to apply reflective practice to inform personal and professional development
2.5 Create a personal development plan with measurable objectives
Work Based Evidence must not exceed SIX (6) A4 pages
Guideline word count
The written word, however generated and recorded, is still expected to form the majority of assessable work produced by Learners at Level 5. The amount and volume of work for this unit should be broadly comparable to a word count of 2500-3000 words within a margin of +/-10%. The excessive use of word count is not grounds for referral, however the CMI reserve the right to return work to the Centre for editing and resubmission by the Learner.
The following are excluded from inclusion in word count, if used and not required by the assessment brief: an introduction to a job role, organisation or department; index or contents pages; headings and sub headings; diagrams, charts and graphs; reference list or bibliography; reflective statement drawn from undertaking the assignment and how this has impacted on the learner’s work. Please see the CMI Assessment Guidance Policy for further guidance
Reflective practice is an essential management tool that supports the development of a manager’s knowledge, skills and behaviours in the workplace and delivers benefits to both the individual and the organisation. Learning through doing and reflecting on the outcome of any activity is at the heart of continuous self-improvement and development.
Although it can often be difficult to find time to reflect, the process is an invaluable skill which if carried out with an open mind and a willingness to learn can reap benefits throughout an individual’s career.
For an organisation you know well or have researched, you are required to create a briefing paper to be shared with other managers as part of the launch of a talent development programme.
The briefing paper is entitled ‘The use of reflective practice in personal and professional development’ and must use examples to:
Analyse the importance of continuous personal and professional development in achieving organisational objectives (AC1.1)
Evaluate the use of reflective practice in personal and professional development (AC1.2)
Evaluate approaches to reflective practice (AC1.3)
Guidance for completion of Task 1
The briefing paper should include sub headings. You may choose to include tables and diagrams (as appropriate).
Your discussion should be underpinned with relevant theoretical principles.
You may include good practice examples from an organisation you know well or have researched.
Please refer to the indicative content for each assessment criteria (AC) outlined in the unit specification.
Being able to reflect on your own practice is a skill which may not come easily, but can be developed. As you progress reflection becomes an integral part of how you work and develop throughout your career.
Using the principles of reflection, evaluate your own performance in the workplace (AC2.1).
There are TWO (2) options for answering this task. You only need to select ONE (1) option.
Option 1: If you have already completed a documented activity in the workplace to evaluate your performance against the requirements of your role as a manager (i.e. a skill scan or a preparatory document in readiness for a performance review) you may submit this documentation as work based evidence for Task 2a.
Include the document(s) in the Work Based Evidence section of the evidence booklet for this unit (separate document). Evidence must not exceed SIX (6) A4 PAGES. or
Provide your evidence as separate document(s) outside of this assessment booklet. NB: Where separate documents are provided they must not exceed 10MB in size and must be saved as PDF documents and must not exceed SIX (6) A4 pages .
Option 2: Complete the skills and competencies assessment form found on pages 7-11.
Guidance for completion of Task 2a
Select your preferred option for completing the task. If you select Option 1 and plan to include work based evidence please ensure the evidence includes an evaluation of your own performance which is able to meet the requirements of AC2.1.
If required, the CMI template can be adapted or extended.
The assessment may be presented in a format of your choice, one used by your own organisation or using the CMI template provided.
Please refer to the indicative content for each assessment criteria (AC) outlined in the unit specification.
Description of work based evidence: Please briefly describe the type of work based evidence that is being presented to meet the requirements of this task.
Provide a brief statement which summarises the outcomes of the questionnaire. The statement must use principles of reflection to evaluate your own performance in the workplace to meet the requirements of AC 2.1.
Please indicate how you have presented evidence for this task (please tick box):
Document uploaded to Work Based Evidence section of the evidence booklet
Documents are provided separately to the evidence booklet. Document name(s):
This questionnaire outlines a range of management skills and competencies.
Complete the questionnaire and decide on your level of competence in each area, giving yourself a score from 0-3 (3 – able to do this without any support through to 0 – you cannot do this or it is not applicable to your current role). Each line should only contain one score.
When you have completed your assessment, write a summary of your top THREE (3) strengths and areas for development.
I am able to…
3 – I am competent and able to do this without any support
2 – I am confident but require some support and guidance to do this
1 – I am unsure and need support and guidance to do this
0 – I cannot do this or it is not applicable to my current role
Leading and managing others
Communicate organisational vision and goals effectively to others
Lead and manage multiple and remote teams
Lead and manage team leaders
Adapt leadership style to suit different situations
Lead a team to achieve outcomes
Support development through coaching and mentoring
Motivate individuals in their work role
Enable and support high performance working
Recruit and develop people
Lead and manage change
Recognise diversity and equality
Use performance management techniques
Delegate effectively to enable delivery through others
Apply talent management models in the workplace
I am able to…
3 – I am competent and able to do this without any support
2 – I am confident but require some support and guidance to do this
1 – I am unsure and need support and guidance to do this
0 – I cannot do this or it is not applicable to my current role
Building relationships
Use approaches to partner, stakeholder and supplier relationship management
Use negotiating and influencing skills
Network effectively
Working collaboratively with others inside and outside of the organisation
Identify and share good practice
Manage conflict
Build trust with others
Use specialist advice and support to delivery against plans
Use verbal communication to communicate effectively
Use non-verbal communication effectively
Use digital communication techniques
Demonstrate good interpersonal skills
Provide management information and reports based on the collation, analysis and interpretation of data
Recognise and overcome barriers to communication
Chair meetings
Present using a range of media
Use active listening skills
Ability to challenge others and give constructive feedback
I am able to…
3 – I am competent and able to do this without any support
2 – I am confident but require some support and guidance to do this
1 – I am unsure and need support and guidance to do this
0 – I cannot do this or it is not applicable to my current role
Operational management
Input into strategic planning
Create and deliver operational plans in line with organisational objectives
Manage resources effectively
Set targets and monitor performance
Drive continuous improvement
Use contingency planning techniques
Develop sales and marketing plans
Recognise and overcome barriers to change
Demonstrate commercial awareness
Identify and shape new opportunities
Use operational business planning techniques
Monitor progress to deliver against plans
Project management
Set up and manage a project
Use project management tools and techniques
Use process management techniques
Manage risk
Plan, organise and manage resources to deliver outcomes
Monitor progress
I am able to…
3 – I am competent and able to do this without any support
2 – I am confident but require some support and guidance to do this
1 – I am unsure and need support and guidance to do this
0 – I cannot do this or it is not applicable to my current role
Decision making
Identify challenges and solutions
Use problem solving techniques
Take corrective actions when faced with problems
Know when to escalate issues/problems
Apply organisation governance (policies and procedures) to make decisions
Understands the impact of organisational values and ethics on decision making
Use management systems and technology to support decision making
Manage and monitor budgets
Undertake financial forecasting
Provide financial reports
Consider financial implications of decisions
Personal effectiveness
Demonstrate emotional intelligence
Use time management tools and techniques
Manage multiple tasks, pressure and changing priorities
Use problem solving and decision making techniques
Seek and act on feedback from others
Adapt style to meet changing needs
Manage own workload effectively
Reflect on own performance, working style and its impact on others
Undertake critical analysis and evaluation to support decision making
Demonstrate resilience and accountability
Show determination when managing difficult situations
Set an example to others
Provide a brief statement which summarises the outcomes of the questionnaire. The statement must use principles of reflection to evaluate your own performance in the workplace to meet the requirements of AC 2.1.
Basing your response on your own work experience, you are required to write a reflective account entitled ‘The impact my working style has on others in the workplace’ (AC2.2)
The reflective account must include reference to a minimum of ONE (1) recognised working style and include examples of how the working style has impacted on others (i.e. individuals or teams).
Guidance for completion of Task 2b
Your own ‘work experience’ refers to work in paid or unpaid/voluntary employment or working with others at College or University or within an extra-curricular club or team.
Your reflective account should be focused on your own development and not on others.
Your discussion should be underpinned with relevant theoretical principles.
Please refer to the indicative content for each assessment criteria (AC) outlined in the unit specification.
Having assessed your current skills and competencies, you are now in a position to consider your development needs and development opportunities available to meet personal and professional objectives.
You are required to write an account on your own development needs and development opportunities. The account must include an:
Analysis of your development needs for current and future roles (AC2.3)
Examination of development opportunities to meet personal and professional objectives (AC2.4)
Guidance for completion of Task 2c
Your written account should be focused on your own development and not on others.
You may include application to research
Please refer to the indicative content for each assessment criteria (AC) outlined in the unit specification.
Create a personal and professional development plan, with a minimum of THREE (3) and a maximum of SIX (6), measurable objectives. (AC2.5)
There are TWO (2) options for answering this task. You only need to select ONE (1) option.
Option 1: If you have already completed a personal and professional development plan in the workplace, you may present a copy of the findings to address this task.
Include the document(s) in the Work Based Evidence section of the evidence booklet for this unit (separate document)
Provide your evidence as separate document(s) outside of this assessment booklet. NB: Where separate documents are provided they must not exceed 10MB in size and must be saved as PDF documents and must not exceed SIX (6) A4 pages .
Option 2: Create a personal and professional development plan using the CMI template on page 15.
Guidance for completion of Task 2d
The personal and professional development plan may be presented in a format of your choice, one used by your own organisation or using the CMI template provided.
If required, the CMI template can be adapted or extended.
Please refer to the indicative content for each assessment criteria (AC) outlined in the unit specification.
Description of work based evidence: Please briefly describe the type of work based evidence that is being presented to meet the requirements of this task.
Summary: Please provide a brief summary statement of how this work based evidence meets the requirements of this task.
Please indicate how you have presented evidence for this task (please tick box):
Document uploaded to Work Based Evidence section of the evidence booklet
Documents are provided separately to the evidence booklet. Document name(s):
Using the details from your personal reflections you can now start to develop a personal and professional development plan. You should develop a plan with a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 6 Development Aims. You should aim to have a minimum of 1 short term aim e.g. up to one month, 1 medium term aim, e.g. up to 6 months and 1 longer term aim e.g. 12 months or more from the start of the plan.
Personal and Professional Development Plan
Development Aim
Development Approach/ Method
Resource requirements
The submission is incomplete
Tasks are incomplete
Not all assessment criteria have been met
No examples are used or the examples given do not match the requirements of the assessment criteria
Evidence is
Technically incorrect or inaccurate
Unprofessional language
Poorly structured and presented
Ideas are under-developed
Lacks sufficient detail to show understanding of the topic
The application of different perspectives, approaches or schools of thought is unclear or inappropriate
Little or no evaluation of evidence has taken place
The ability to make judgments and solve complex problems has not been evidenced
Evidence is not directly attributable to the learner
External sources of information are not acknowledged
Work based evidence or artefacts (e.g. planning documents or presentation slides) do not meet the requirements of the assessment criteria and are not current (within 5 years)
All tasks have been completed
All assessment criteria have been met
Examples given are well chosen and match the requirements of the assessment criteria
Evidence is
Well written and presented
Contains a breadth of examples
Current (e.g. use of up to date legislation)
Technically correct
Evidence shows understanding and application of different perspectives, approaches or schools of thought and the reasoning behind them.
Evidence shows the learners ability to evaluate evidence and solve problems to achieve set outcomes.
Evidence used from external sources has been correctly referenced
Evidence is directly attributable to the learner
Work based evidence or artefacts (e.g. planning documents or presentation slides) match the requirements of the assessment criteria and are current (within 5 years)
1.1 Analyse the importance of continuous personal and professional development in achieving organisational objectives
Continuous personal and professional development is crucial for achieving organisational objectives due to several key factors. Here’s a detailed analysis:
1. Enhanced Skill Set and Competency
Personal and professional development ensures that employees continuously update and refine their skills and competencies. In a rapidly changing business environment, where technological advancements and market dynamics are constant, having an up-to-date skill set is essential for maintaining competitiveness. Employees who engage in ongoing learning are better equipped to handle new challenges, leverage emerging technologies, and adapt to changing job requirements, thereby contributing more effectively to organisational goals.
2. Increased Employee Motivation and Engagement
Continuous development opportunities can significantly boost employee motivation and engagement. When employees see that their organisation is invested in their growth, they are more likely to feel valued and committed. This increased engagement leads to higher productivity, reduced turnover, and a more positive work environment. Engaged employees are more proactive in their roles, often going above and beyond in their efforts, which directly supports the achievement of organisational objectives.
3. Improved Organisational Agility
Organisations that prioritise continuous development are more agile and capable of responding to change. An emphasis on learning and growth enables employees to swiftly adapt to new strategies, processes, or market conditions. This agility is crucial for organisations to remain competitive and innovative. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement, organisations can better manage transitions, whether they are technological advancements, shifts in market trends, or internal restructuring.
4. Enhanced Leadership and Management Skills
Leadership and management skills are pivotal for steering organisations towards their objectives. Continuous development provides leaders and managers with the tools and insights needed to effectively guide their teams, make informed decisions, and drive strategic initiatives. Investing in leadership development programmes helps ensure that leaders are well-prepared to handle the complexities of their roles, inspiring and motivating their teams to achieve organisational goals.
5. Fostering a Culture of Excellence
A commitment to continuous personal and professional development fosters a culture of excellence within an organisation. When employees are encouraged to pursue growth opportunities, it promotes a mindset of continuous improvement and high performance. This culture of excellence supports the organisation`s mission and vision by ensuring that all employees are aligned with its strategic objectives and are consistently working towards achieving them.
6. Talent Retention and Attraction
Organisations that offer robust development opportunities are more likely to attract and retain top talent. Prospective employees often seek organisations where they can grow professionally and personally. By providing clear pathways for advancement and skill enhancement, organisations not only attract skilled candidates but also reduce turnover by creating a supportive environment that values employees` long-term career goals. This stability and talent retention are critical for maintaining continuity and achieving strategic objectives.
7. Increased Innovation and Problem-Solving
Continuous development encourages a mindset of innovation and creative problem-solving. When employees are exposed to new ideas, methodologies, and knowledge, they are better equipped to think critically and propose innovative solutions. This innovation is vital for organisations aiming to stay ahead of competitors and meet evolving market demands. Employees who are engaged in ongoing learning are more likely to bring fresh perspectives and creative solutions to the table, driving the organisation towards its goals.
8. Better Customer Service and Satisfaction
Employees who engage in continuous professional development are more knowledgeable and skilled in their roles, which directly impacts customer service. Enhanced skills and updated knowledge allow employees to better understand and meet customer needs, address issues more effectively, and provide higher levels of service. Improved customer service contributes to higher satisfaction and loyalty, which is integral to achieving long-term organisational success and growth.
Continuous personal and professional development is a cornerstone of achieving organisational objectives. It enhances individual skills, boosts motivation, improves agility, strengthens leadership, fosters a culture of excellence, aids in talent retention, encourages innovation, and enhances customer service. Organisations that prioritise and invest in ongoing development are better positioned to navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and realise their strategic goals.
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